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It would have been a normal dinner at the Sins' Manor, except for the fact that there were animals strutting around the dining room like they owned the place, and Pride seemed perfectly content about the whole ordeal. The sin was sitting on the table with a few llamas and was petting their soft fur with an extremely satisfied expression.

Most people would have called this a normal sighting for Pride, but Gluttony just wasn't having it that particular day. After having a few intense battles of checkers with Envy and Lust, and losing miserably every time, all Gluttony wanted was to have a calm, peaceful, and relaxing afternoon eating a delicate snack, sitting in his favorite armchair with his feet up.

Gluttony walked into the dining hall, seeing the llamas for the first time. He stood in the doorway, looking at all of them in disbelief. Pride turned his head to him and waved.

"Pride, why are there llamas in the dining room?" Gluttony asked calmly.

As if in response to the sin, one of the llamas let out a gargling high-pitched shriek, and then promptly began to chew the long, sweeping tablecloth that was resting on the wood. Pride shrieked along the same pitch as the llama and carefully pried the cloth out of its teeth, urging it to eat something else. Once Pride was settled, he smiled at Gluttony. "Why are there llamas?" He asked gleefully. "Why?" He stood up and brushed himself off. "Why are there llamas..."

"Pride, I'm just hungry, and if you go into a speech about llama fluffiness rights, I'm going to be hangry."

"I'm not going to go into a speech!" Pride's white teeth gleamed when he smiled, almost making Gluttony blind with how white everything seemed in the room. "I'm just going to explain in detail about why these beautiful fluffy creatures of this world are in this house right now. I hardly ever go into speeches."

Gluttony rolled his eyes. "Humility's hair."

"That was needed! It wasn't a speech, it was an explanation of why her hair needed to be fixed, immediately!"


"I was only wondering why they were pink! I'm sorry about us getting kicked out of the farm. Twice."

An audible sigh was heard. "Hot dogs."

"Hot dogs are not sandwiches. First off, if I asked for a sandwich and someone handed me a hot dog, I'd ask what in the world was wrong with them! And second off, fatty meat? No way! Just because it's meat in between two pieces of bread doesn't make that disgrace to sandwich a kinda sandwich. I find it insulting when people think that thing is even considered to be food!"

Gluttony grumbled something about food equality and then gave Pride a disappointed look.

"This is why we're in a war." He pointed to the llamas. "This." He pointed to Pride. "And this." He pointed to his own stomach. "And this. Now, if you'd just clear out with your fuzzy farm friends, I'd like to eat in peace now. Thanks." He didn't even really care why the animals were in the dining hall, he just wanted to be alone and not have llama fur in his ravioli.

But Pride wasn't done yet. The sin hopped off the table and sauntered toward Gluttony, a few llamas trailing behind him with big googly eyes. His non-sparkly eyes were focused right onto Gluttony. He stopped a few feet away from him and grinned.

"You wanna know why the llamas are here?" He asked, folding his arms across his chest. He smirked.

"Yes," Gluttony said dully. "I asked that first."

The smirk did not fade off of Pride. In fact, it seemed to grow. "The llama friends are here because I brought them here to the castle to celebrate."

"And why do you need another party?" Gluttony retorted back, folding his arms just like Pride did, but he was angry, not satisfied.

"Because I, Pride, the most fantabulous, sinfully tasty sin ever, know that we are going to win this totally unneeded battle between some gods before the battle is even won." Pride put his head very close to Gluttony, narrowing his eyes and smirking even wider. "The animals will celebrate our victory as much as we will, as they are residents of this world just as our sweet humans are."

"So the llamas are very much necessary."

Gluttony's eyebrows were compelled by gravity as they were forced closer to his eyes. The two sins could not be standing any closer to each other, but their ideas were further away than anything. He growled, feeling his emotions overtake him, feeling the truth he had been holding back inside sliding off of the tip of his tongue.

"You know what, Pride?" Gluttony said quietly, clenching his fists. "How about you just shut up, and take your llamas somewhere else. Where you can pet them and eat their fur or whatever you do with them. I honestly don't care." Pride's face shifted and gasped when Gluttony surged forward, stomping on his foot like his shoe was a bug meaning to be squashed. Not even Gluttony knew what he was doing.

"You don't put smelly llamas in the middle of a kitchen and expect to be treated like a normal person, much less a king, which is what you think you are, but you aren't.

"This war? I'm pretty sure we're gonna lose it. All six of us do. And you're the only one that believes otherwise. So what do you do? Bring a farm into the kitchen. Not only is that absolutely disgusting since we eat there, but it is also the dumbest thing I've seen, and I've seen Wrath try to meditate."

His left eye twitched. "It's dumb because you could have brought humans here instead of llamas. You know, to help them. Since the world is basically the equivalent of being set on fire, and the llamas don't really have the mental capacity to think about how the world is ending.

"You know what, I'm honestly just sick and tired of you being this narcissistic prat! Don't you understand that all of our hope is gone? These are gods Pride, and we're just mistakes. Gods that could just incinerate the world if they yawned, and burn down our house if they felt provoked. This war could have been over if they didn't even care about it. But they do care, so now we're in for it."

Gluttony got close to his face and muttered quietly in a low voice. "Maybe Humility should have fixed you a little bit more because if it wasn't for you, this war would have never started."

And with that, Gluttony turned on his heel, and walked out, bringing his team with him.

A llama, who had been licking Pride's stepped on a shoe, looked up at him with big, sad eyes. The sin looked down at him and patted his fur, his eyes shiny with tears.

"Friends," he said quietly, hanging his head, "that is not what you call a friend."

Slowly, a tear rolled down his cheek at approximately the same speed Pride's pride was diminishing.

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