Study Time!

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A/N: when you're supposed to be reading psychology but you write a one shot instead ;D hope you all enjoy! Thank you for 1.12K reads!
"Alright guys focus! If I fail this exam, which I won't, I'm totally killing all of you," Lydia says, snapping her fingers to get the groups attention.

Derek and Stiles exchange a look then look back at Lydia.

"This is just psychology. How hard can it be?" Jackson says, flipping through the textbook. Scott looks over at him with a confused look.

"You aren't even in this class. Why are you here?" Scott questions.

"Not important!" Lydia snaps before she takes a deep breath. "Now, sterek, you're in charge of summarizing phobias. Scissac, the brain. Berica, you're depression and anxiety. Jackson and I have the whole first chapter."

Jackson groans and falls back on the floor. "That's so long."

"No it's not. It's the easiest chapter and the shortest. Now get up," Lydia says, lightly hitting him with her notebook. "Get to work guys. You have two hours."

"Two hours?!" Isaac asks in disbelief, looking at Scott. "What is this?"

Stiles shakes his head and looks at Derek. "Well, guess we're stuck with phobia. Have any phobias big guy?"

"Not really. If you don't count my fear of being killed by Lydia," Derek responds.

"That's not an irrational fear," Stiles points out. "Completely rational given the fact she threatened to scratch out Isaac's eyes for saying If I Stay was a boring movie."

"In my defense, it was," Isaac says but Lydia gives him a glare and he looks down. "Can't say anything in this house without someone wanting to kill you."

Stiles rolls his eyes and looks down at the textbook. "Maybe we should go to another room."

"Yeah 'cause we all know you guys are gonna flirt and kill us all," Erica comments and Boyd nods in agreement.

Now it's Derek's turn to roll his eyes. Both him and Stiles pick up their textbooks and go to the library of the house. It's a huge room with lots of books and a quiet little fire on the far side.

"Still can't believe you had this huge library made in the house. It's amazing," Stiles comments, moving to run his fingers off of the spines of books.

Derek smiles. "Let's hurry up and summarize phobias so we can do whatever we want."

"We have to do it well though because that's what we're studying too and we're expecting everyone else to do the same," Stiles says, getting a nod from Derek. "By the way, I'm guessing we'll have to do more summarizing because phobias are only part of one section."

Derek groans and collapses into a nearby chair. "So much studying. So little time. We have three days."

"And Lydia's going to make us all cram in this three days," Stiles says with a sigh. He hates cramming but being the procrastinator he is, that's what he always done. "Okay, let's start with what we know first. We can go from there."

"Okay. Uhm, I know that phobias can be conditioned like that Little Albert experiment," Derek says. Stiles nods, jotting the thought down on paper.

"What was said experiment? We have to be thorough," Stiles says, pointing the end of the pencil at Derek. Derek shakes his head and takes the pencil from him.

"Where the experimenter, whatever his name was, struck a metal bar when the baby went to play with whatever animal it was that time," Derek says, twirling the pencil. Stiles tried to grab it from him but failed. "Cruel really. Why do that to a little baby?"

"It was the 1920's. Not sure they cared a whole lot," Stiles says. He gave up trying to grab the pencil. Derek wasn't giving it up so he just took his pencil that was lying on the ground. "Stop taking my stuff sourwolf. It's rude."

"You took my pencil. It's only fair," Derek retorts. Stiles has a look of shock on his face.

"You took mine first!" Stiles yells in an accused voice. Derek shrugs right as a bang is heard on the library door.

"That does not sound like studying boys! Let's get to it. This is your grade too," Lydia commands through the door. Derek can hear her walk away before he speaks again.

"And the banshee strikes again. So, what do you know Stiles?"

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