House Antics

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I'm trying to find more writing inspiration so maybe this will help get my juices flowing? Also, I'm sorry I haven't been active, college is being quite the experience lol

Stiles runs around the corner, laughing as Isaac chases him.

"Give it back! This so isn't funny," Isaac yells, scrambling up from almost tripping. Stiles laughs even harder causing him to almost run into a wall. "Ha! What now?"

"Stop fucking yelling! God damn!" Erica shouts from the living room. Stiles would yell back at her but he's too busy trying not to run into the stair railing.

"If you would just give it back, you wouldn't have to worry about falling to your death," Isaac says, finally grabbing a hold of Stiles' arm. "You're such a mean person, give it."

"I don't understand why you hid it," Stiles says, out of breath. "It's just your baby blanket."

Isaac takes back the blanket, flipping Stiles off before going back to his room. "I hope Erica keeps your voice box in a jar in her room."

"Can you guys shut up for two seconds? This house is never quiet," Lydia glares at Stiles as she walks by, walking down the stairs to probably join Erica. "I swear, Derek must be deaf if he hasn't said anything yet."

"I can hear you and I don't approve," Derek's voice says loudly from some other part of the house.

"Did someone say something?" Scott asks, rubbing his eyes as he walks towards Stiles. "I heard yelling."

"Did someone say something? Really, Scott? Who's not saying something in this house," Stiles says, smiling and shaking his head at him. "Did you sleep through that whole thing?"

"Is that even a question?" Scott replies, grinning. "But really, you guys have got to be quieter."

"Who put the dishes in a pentagram on the floor?" Boyd asks, crossing his arms over his chest. "We are not Satan worshipers, so fess up."

Jackson raises an eyebrow without even glancing up from his laptop. "My vote is on Allison. She's weird."

Allison gives an offended gasp. "How do we know it's not you? You want to go around pointing fingers, it's probably you."

"Oh, okay because I've almost left this spot all night." Jackson gives Allison a look and she rolls her eyes.

Boyd gives them both annoyed looks before uncrossing his arms. "You guys are hopeless. I'm going to go ask Derek."

"Good luck, he's not home. He and Scott went to go do something but feel free to ask Stiles. He's hiding out in the library," Allison says, pressing play on the show she was watching.

Boyd rolls his eyes at her and walks down the hall towards the library. He pushes open the door, spotting Stiles curled up in a chair by the window.

"Stiles, did you arrange the dishes into a pentagram in the kitchen?" Boyd asks bluntly, startling Stiles from his nap. Stiles gives him a weird look.

"Arrange the what in a what?" he asks, rubbing his eye and sitting up straight.

"The dishes. In a pentagram. In the kitchen," Boyd says, not bothering to repeat the entire question. Stiles will get the gist of it either way.

Stiles looks at him like he's lost his mind. "Uhm, no? Who the hell did that?"

Boyd wants to roll his eyes but he decides against it. "I don't know. That's why I asked and the two in the living room claim they didn't do it. Scott and Derek aren't home so it's not them."

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