1: Hallways

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The hallways are packed with students, everyone pushing and shoving in order to get to their classrooms. Some, you can plainly see, are wary of actually touching other people. Maria, a young freshman, stands pushed up against her locker, unwilling to let any of the passing students physically touch her.

I don't really understand the people who do that. I mean, quite honestly, you're going to end up touching someone one day, on purpose or accidentally. So why try to shield yourself? Why would you want to hide from your soulmate? Of course, this high school only holds so many students, so there's a very high chance you won't even meet your soulmate here.

I've shaken hands, high fived, and thumb wrestled just about everyone in my grade, trying to see if we were meant to be.

I still see colors in black and white.

Now don't get me wrong, black and white are truly beautiful colors. But they have gotten bland. Everyone looks the same. Grey hair, white skin, black pupils. Grey water. Varying shades of grey food. Scenery isn't all that impressive. Sunsets are fairly interesting, but even they are just shades of black and grey. I long for the day when I can truly appreciate sunrises and sunsets, art, nature, and even everyday clothing. I want to know what blue looks like. That's my mom's favorite color. But for now, I'm stuck with the boring black and white.

Frankly, I'm beginning to think the whole 'finding your soulmate' thing is absolute bullshit. How is it fair for less than half the population to see in color, and the rest of us to see in shades of grey? It isn't. It isn't fair - but it's just the way life is.

The school bell rings, signaling the beginning of first period. I pull my backpack higher over my shoulder, and trudge to my first class of the day.


"Mr. Spencer, can you tell me how to solve this problem?"

I look up to see my teacher, a stick thin old lady, glaring at me. I really hate it when she uses my last name. I inwardly groan. No matter how much I may study, Calculus will never come easily to me. I give my answer, which - no surprise- turns out to be wrong. "Incorrect. Ashlen, can you tell me how to solve this problem?"

I silently roll my eyes as Ashlen, the smartest girl in class, rambles off the specific instructions on how to solve the math problem.

Once the bell finally -mercifully- rings, I sling my backpack over my shoulder and hurry out of the classroom. As a senior, I'm very familiar with the school, so I take a shortcut to my next class.

I meet up with my friend Carter, and we head to our next class together. Carter is a very put-together type of person. His hair is always combed to the side, his teeth are a sparkling white, and he's confident in himself. He's going to go to college to become a lawyer. He's got a future - and, to top it all off, he found her. The girl of his dreams. His soulmate.

We became friends a few years ago, and somehow, he's still my best friend. He's got the looks and personality to land him a date with any girl here at school, but he isn't cocky or arrogant. He found his soulmate last year; she's a sweet girl named Lauren. They're one of the two couples here that are actually soulmates.

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of other couples here. But they aren't soulmates. They're dating each other for the heck and "experience" that comes with it.

I tried that once. Met a girl at a soccer game, we hung out and tried to make it work, but in the end we both knew it was stupid. For weeks after we cut it off, I refused to hang out with Carter. Everything must come easily to him - he can see the world. He has someone who loves him and understands him unconditionally.

"So, did you enjoy our history homework for the week?" Carter asks, a smirk on his face, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hell no," I groan. "I'm sure you and Lauren did, but I sure as hell didn't." He laughs. Our homework, you see, was to research several different colors and try to describe them as best we could. Since the majority of the school is still blind to color, teachers think it's a great idea to have us try to imagine colors. Red, blue, yellow...they mean nothing to me. Of course I'm told trees are green, the sky is blue, and my hair is brown, but how would I know? To me trees look grey, the sky is a lighter grey, and my hair is a dark grey.

It was a lovely project. 10/10 would not recommend.

"You'll find her, man," Carter murmurs, somehow knowing exactly what I'm thinking of. "And when you do...." Carter sighs.

"I know, I know, the colors are magical," I interrupt him, scowling.

He chuckles, "I was going to say that the colors aren't even the best part."

"What's better than seeing in color?" I grumble.

"Falling in love, you idiot."

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