17: Realizations

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After paying for our bill at the diner, I drive Adri downtown. We don't talk much, which for once, I'm actually glad for. I have no earthly idea what I'm supposed to say to her anymore.

As we walk down Maine Street, side by side, I can't help but notice the way she smiles up at the lights. The neon signs and flashing lights reflect in Adri's eyes, making them pop with color and life. Oh if only she could see how beautiful she is.

"So tell me," I say, trying to start a conversation. "You're an artist, right? How do you know what to draw or paint if you don't know what colors to use?"

Adri grins cheekily, "I grab a random paintbrush, and paint what I want. I can't see the color, but by the shades of black and grey, I can distinguish between colors."

I nod in understanding, "That makes sense." We lapse into silence again.

Adri stops walking in the middle of the sidewalk, and glares at me, "Stop."

"Stop what?" I ask, confused. She hadn't caught me staring, had she? That would be hard to explain.

"Stop feeling bad for me," she accuses. "I can see it in your eyes."

"Sorry," I instantly apologize. Adri cocks an eyebrow at my apology, and I remember our conversation from the diner. "Er, I mean, okay. I'll try."

A bright smile lights up her face, "That was better."

I laugh, "I'm glad my apology pleased you." She chuckles, but then her gaze focuses on something  behind me. "What?"

I turn around to see a restaurant, and inside, a live band playing. I can tell from here that the music is good, seeing an electric guitarist and a drum set. I turn back to Adri with a mischievous smile, "Feel like dancing?"

"There is no way I'm sneaking into a bar with you," she says, hiding her smile behind her hand.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" I insist.

I don't know where my sudden taste for adventure came from; normally I never would have dreamed of sneaking into a bar to dance with a girl. But it's Adri. I know, deep in my soul, I would do anything to see a smile on her face. "Please?" I ask.

"Oh fine. But if we get caught, you're deaf and I don't speak English," she grumbles.

"Deal. Just speak Spanish really fast, and gesture with your hands a lot, and they'll be too confused to be mad," I tease.

As we cross the street towards the bar, I start up a loud conversation with Adri.

"And then Mr. Briggs told me that the sales were decreasing? But how is that supposed to be my fault?" I ask loudly, gesturing angrily with my hands. Adri seems thoroughly confused, so I just continue. "And then he has the audacity to ask me to fetch a latte for him. As if I was some intern," I scoff, making up the story as I go. As we reach the entrance to the bar, I glance at the men standing at the door. "Evening, men. Any suggestions on the tap beers? I need something strong to drown out the headache my boss gave me."

The men chuckle, and one says, "Try the draft beer. It'll knock you out after the third pint."

"Will do. Thanks," I say, giving it a thoughtful nod. "Come on, darling. I say we get a pint and buy shots for the whole house." I grab Adri's arm and pull her into the bar after me.

Once we are enclosed by the crowd, I turn to face Adri, who has an amazed smile on her face. "Have you considered becoming an actor?" she asks.

"Hell no," I answer her, still pulling her towards the stage in the back of the bar. "I honestly didn't think that would work!"

Adri shakes her head in wonder. "Dare Spencer, you continue to surprise me."

My cheeks heat up, and I can feel the blush that has risen to my face. Hopefully Adri will just accredit it to the fact that there are a lot of hot and sweaty people in here.

"I love this song!" I shout over the noise, hearing one of my favorite songs - Fall, by Palisades- coming on.

Adri's face lights up, and she replies, "So do I!" She grabs my hand, sending something like an electric shock up my arm. "Dance with me!"

She pulls me into the middle of the crowd, and throws her hands up into the air. Her hips swaying to the beat, her eyes closed in bliss, and the lyrics falling off her lips, I don't think I've ever seen her look more beautiful.

I suddenly realize that I'm staring at her, so I tear my gaze off of her -with difficulty- and start to sway to the beat.

I don't remember what song came on next, but I remember Adri nearly squealing in happiness at the selection. I remember her pulling me closer, making me dance with her. And I remember the joy in her eyes. Both of us so happy, so carefree.

And it was at that moment, as I watched her yell out the words to her favorite song, that I knew I loved her. It wasn't a magical feeling, it wasn't something extraordinary. It was just like a piece of myself finally clicked into place. Like she's a part of me. A part of my soul. My soulmate.

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