19: Sunset

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I lead her around to the back of the library, where a rickety ladder is attached to the side of the building. Adri smiles mischievously when she sees it, saying, "Bad boy Dare has returned."

Despite our conversation only moments ago, I laugh, "I sneak into bars and climb on top of libraries. So bad boy."

She grins, and says, "After you."

"What, no ladies first?" I ask.

She scoffs, "You are not staring up at me."

I immediately turn a dark shade of red, and stumble over my words as I say, "Oh no, I wasn't...that's not- I swear I wasn't planning on- God, you must think I'm a perv or something."

I glance up to see her giggling. Adri. Giggling. "You are so mean!" I complain, giving her a playful shove. She laughs, shoving me back. I hit the brick wall as she takes a step closer, a playful scowl on her face. Suddenly the mood changes, and with us so close together, I can't help but glance down at her lips.

She clears her throat loudly, and takes a large step backwards. "Going up, Spencer?"

I nod, not trusting myself to speak. I grab the first rung and quickly start to scale the ladder. The entire way up, I can't help but internally freak out over what had just happened. Or, rather, what had almost happened. We... we almost kissed.

Once I hoist myself up onto the roof, and turn to pull Adri up, I turn to the horizon. Anything to take my eyes off of her. The purples and pinks and oranges are starting to mix together, and I can't help but smile wistfully. If only the girl standing next to me could see the sunset.

"I think sunsets are what I'm going to miss the most," Adri says, making me jump.

"What?" I ask hoarsely.

"You know. The colors. That's what I would miss about not having a soulmate," she explains.

"What else would you miss?" I ask quietly, not looking into her eyes.

"I....I don't know. I don't believe in love. But maybe the feeling of acceptance? That would be nice, too," she murmurs, not looking at me anymore.

"Adri, I think you should know that I-" I start to say. But then I cut myself off, and clear my throat. "Never mind."

"What?" She says, bumping her shoulder against mine. "What is it?"

Should I do it? Should I really say it? I look over at her, at the bright sky lighting up her face, and feel a rush of warmth and love.

"I can see colors."

For a moment I don't think she realizes the severity of what I've said. But then realization dawns on her face, along with another expression I can't read - sadness? Regret? Anger? I can't really tell.

"What?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I can see colors," I repeat. "I know who my soulmate is."

There is a long, drawn out silence as Adri processes the information. I watch her closely, not wanting to miss a second of whatever happens next.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me before I-" She cuts herself short, her voice cracking.

"Before what?" I ask, confused.

"Before... before...." she clamps her mouth shut, and then quietly asks, "Never mind. Who is she?"

"I can't tell you."

Hurt flashes across her face this time, and seeing it makes me ache. For a moment I wonder what in the world I'm doing by telling her this. But I can't keep it a secret anymore.

"Why not?" she asks quietly, not meeting my gaze. I place my hand on her shoulder, warmth spreading through me as she looks up into my eyes.

"Adri, don't you get it?" I ask her.

Tears swim in her eyes as she looks at me, and she quietly whispers, "I'm sorry. You should be leaving. Going to spend time with her."

I am spending time with her. I shake my head forcefully, saying, "I'm staying here. With you."

"Go, Dare," she murmurs. "I didn't mean to keep you. Gosh, I don't know what just came over me." She flashes me a smile, but I can easily tell that it is forced and fake. She pulls out of my grip, taking a few steps back.

"No. I have one question for you, and I want you to answer me honestly," I demand.

She looks taken aback, but says, "Alright, what?"

"Are you afraid of love, or of not being loved back?" I ask.

Her mouth falls open, and she angrily says, "I'm not afraid of love!"

"Yes, you are," I say, taking a step closer to her .

She shakes her head fervently, tears pricking at her eyes. "I'm not afraid."

"No?" I take two steps toward her, closing the distance between us quickly. Adri inhales sharply as I place my hand on her hip. In the light of the sunset, her hair looks golden, and her cheeks are flushing a bright red.

"Dare..." she says warily, placing a hand on my chest. "What are you-" She doesn't finish her sentence, because she finally looks me in the eyes. All I can see is the bright blue of her eyes, and all I can hear is the pounding of my heart.

The next thing I know, Adri's hand is in my hair and her lips pressed against mine. Our lips move in perfect harmony, made by God to fit together. I tangle my hand in her hair as Adri curls my locks around her finger. I kiss Adri with a passion I've never felt before.

And she's kissing me back.

Every time she touches me I melt, and as I hold her tightly against me, my muscles are close to disintegrating from pure shock

Finally she pulls away, gasping. She blinks several times, and then breaks into the biggest, happiest smile I've ever seen. "Dare," she gasps. "I can see the colors....I-I can see you."

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