Chaper 3

435 15 6

Alberta's POV

Two kids who look exactly like Blu and Violet walk up to me. Can they be Hunter and Olive?

"Are you Alberta Pertov?" They boy asks in a heavy Russian accent. I nod. "I'm Hunter Belikov and this is my sister Olive." I knew it!

"How can I help you guys?" I ask.

"We have a package for you," Olive starts in the same heavy accent. "from our father and Aunt Lissa. Do you know of them?" She asks.

"I do. Lissa is the queen and my former student and Dimitri was a friend of mine," I say suddenly sad thinking about them.

"Here." Olive hands me a thick envelope.

"Thank you. Olive, Hunter." They then walk off.

"Ok!" I sat trying to get everyone's attention. "St Basil is here too. Some of you will room with them. You must be in your rooms by eleven sharp. Now go and unpack your bags."

I grab my suitcases and walk to my room. I unpack then open the envelope. Inside is two letters and multiple pictures.

Dear Guardian Pertov,

I'm sorry for not contacting you sooner. If you're reading this you've met my kids. Olive and Hunter.

I hope you've been apart of Blu and Vi's lives. I was hoping you could send some pictures of them to me. Send them to my childhood home. I have sent pictures of my kids throughout the years.

I hope you and Rose are doing okay. I miss everyone. I hope you can forgive me for running.

Dimitri Belikov

God I miss him. I look through the pictures. They look like someone cloned Blu and Vi. I read Lissa's letter next.

Dear Guardian Pertov,

I need to make sure that Rose, Christian, and everyone else are doing alright. I miss her. She's still my sister. Is the bond still there? Has Christian moved on? Are Blu and Violet growing up okay?

I sorry for leaving but Dimitri needed my help. If you want to contact me here is my cellphone number. (***)-***-****

Queen Vasilisa Dragomir

I sigh and lie down on my bed. I lay there for about fifteen minutes before a knock at th door disrupts the quiet. I get up and open it to revile Stan.

"Stan, what can I do for you?" I ask.

"Was that Olive and Hunter? Because I had visuals on Violet and Blu," he asks.

"Yes it was," I say. "They came with St Basil."

"What'd they want?"

"They gave me an envelope with a letter from Lissa, a letter from Dimitri, and pictures of them growing up."

"Do you think they saw Violet and Blu?"

"I don't think so, but I did notice Blu looking at them." He thanks me then leaves.

I look at the time and notice I have to get ready for my shift. I shower, put on my Guardian outfit, and leave locking the door first.

I walk to the big living room type area to do patrol. I walk around a bit before talking a place on the wall. I see Blu and Hunter walking back to the rooms together. Uh-oh. I think. What if they put Blu and Hunter in the same room.

I walk up to them and ask, "Boys, you mind telling me what rooms you're in?"

"We share a room Guardian Pertov. We have room 135," Blu says with a smile. I nod and walk away.

I have to find who made the room assignments. What kind of idiot would put Blu and Hunter in the same room. They aren't even supposed to know each other exists.

I see Emil. I walk up to him and ask, "Do you know who did room assignments?"

"Guardian Howard, why?" He asks.

"He put Blu and Hunter in a room together."

"A-As i-in H-H-Hunter B-Belikov?" He  stuttered. I nod. He gasps. I thank him and walk to Matt's room.

I knock on the door. "Guardian Pertov," he answers politely.

"Has anyone told you the story from fifteen years ago with one of our Academy students and her mentor?" He shakes his head no. I push past him and sit on the couch. "Well it was fifteen years ago. Guardian Dimitri Belikov was in Portland to return the now Queen and her best friend Rosemary Hathaway to the Academy. When they returned Hathaway was going to be expelled but Belikov argued on her behalf. The headmistress at the time said if she stayed she was going to need extra training. She told Belikov to do it. As they trained they started to develop feelings for each other. These feelings progressed through out the year. Six months after she graduated they got married. A year later they had quadruplets."

"Isn't that impossible?" He asked.

"Not for them. You see Hathaway is shadow kissed. She died in the Dragomir crash, but the at the time Princess brought her back to life. Now, back to the story. They had four beautiful babies. Two girls and two boys. Blu Aster Iris Belikov, Violet Jasmine Rose Belikova, Olive Jade Clover Belikova, and Hunter Reed Grey Belikov. Soon they started to have problems. A little over a year later they divorced. Belikov took Olive and Hunter back to Russia and doesn't guard anymore. Olive and Hunter now go to St Basils. Hathaway kept Blu and Violet at Court. She changed her last name back to her surname. Blu and Violet's too. They now go to St Vlads as you know. They haven't seen each other since. They tricky part is they don't want the siblings to meet."

"What does this have to do with me?" He asks.

"You. You put Hunter and Blu in the same room," I say.

He gasps. "I put Violet and Olive in the same room too."

"Lets hope they don't figure out they're related," I said.

"What will happen if they do?" He asks.

"You will have to deal with the best fighting, mind reading, Guardians with the most marks," I say and he shivers in fear. I nod to him and walk out.

Sorry for the wait. I have a case of writers block. I hope you like it!! Love you!!


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