Chapter 10

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Lissa's POV

I here voices talking in the dining room I'm about to go check it out when the quadruplets walked in. All of them! But the person who followed them surprised me even more.

"Christian?!?" I ask.

"Lissa! I've missed you," he says as he runs over to me to hug me only to be stoped by my Guardians. His face became sad.

"It's okay guys. Let him through," I say eager to feel Christian's warm hugs. Once he was through I launched myself at him. He caught me with a small chuckle. "I've missed you, Chris. You and your hugs." As I say that he laughs.

We were interrupted by a voice. "Aunt Lissa, did you forget about us?"
was playfully said to me by a Russian accent.

"No. I didn't," I said with a smile. "Now, I'd like to hear why there is four teenagers in the living not two."

They then told me how they met at the ski lodge. The same one from when I went. And how they were roomed together. They told me how they figured out they were one set of quadruplets and not two sets of twins. They said they taught each other to be the other. Then at the end of the trip they switched place.

After I took it all in I asked hopefully, "So, did your mom come or just Christian."

"Yes," was said by five voices.

As soon as that was said I ran into the dining room only to see Rose and Dimitri making out.

"Ahem, I know you didn't forget me."

They broke apart. When Rose's eyes met mine she walked around Dimitri and hugged me. "Liss," she whispered, "I've missed you."

Dimitri's POV

I look up when I heard someone clear their throat and say something. It was Lissa. At that Rose walked away from me and hugged her whispering to her.

It's only then I notice the audience we had. All four of my kids were standing there with wide grins on their faces. My sister's were standing there smirking, along with Paul, and Christian.


I'm so sorry for the long wait!! I hope you guys enjoy!

-Luv Liv

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2017 ⏰

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