Chapter 9

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I'm going to try third person. Sorry if it sucks.

In Baia with Violet and Blu.
Christmas morning.

Violet had just woke up to her brother shaking her. She rolled over trying to ignore Blu.

So Blu said, "Vi, wake up! It's Christmas!" With that being said Violet shot up with wide eyes. Together they run downstairs where everyone is already awake and sitting in the living room drinking coffee and talking.

As they reach the bottom of the stairs they just stand there and stare for a moment before Dimitri notices them. "It's almost noon. I thought I was going to have you wake you," he said with a chuckle.

"Merry Christmas, dad," was returned in unison. They all opened their presents. The kids getting more than the adults.

It's now Christmas dinner and Violet and Blu are taking to Paul.

They are just finishing up Christmas dinner and Paul is still talking to who he thinks is Olive and Hunter. He can tell something is different though. Their Russian isn't as fluent as it should be. He decided he'll let it go.

December 26 9:30 am Russia.

Rose, Christian, Olive and Hunter get  out of the taxi that just pulled up to Dimitri's house. They walk up the long driveway. The whole way there Rose is getting more nervous with every step. Finally, thought they're at the door Olive knocks. They wait a second before Paul opens the door.

"Paul!" Olive and Hunter yell in unison.

"Roza?" Paul asks.

"Hi Paul," Rose answered back.

"Uncle Dimka," Paul yells into the house. "We have visitors!"

Rose's POV

Paul yells for Dimitri. Then he's standing there. All six foot seven of him. My breath caught.

"Roza?" He asks.

"Hey, Comrade."

"What are you doing here, Roza?" He asks. "And with Blu and Violet?"

"Why don't you let us in and call down the kids and I'll explain," I say with a small smile. He lets us in and yells for the kids.

"Mama!" Blu and Violet yell in unison and hugging me.

"Olive, Hunter, you know who this is?" Dimitri asks.

"Yes. And actually I'm not Olive," Violet says.

"And I'm not Hunter," says Blu.

"Actually we are," Hunter and Olive say in unison.

"They switched places on us, Dimitri,"

"Kids, why don't you and Christian go into the living room and talk with your aunts and cousins, so your mother and I can talk," Dimitri says.

"Sure thing," Hunter and Blu say.

"Take your time," says Olive and Violet.

"I've missed you, Roza," Dimitri says with a small smile.

"I've missed you, too, Comrade," I smile sadly. "What happened between us, Dimitri?" I ask trying to remember that night.

"I'm not completely sure, Roza. I remember fighting. Then you took Blu and Vi Ava left. Christian going with you. A few months later I moved back to Baia with Olive, Hunter, and Lissa."

I'm so sorry for the long wait. I've been extremely busy with moving and everything. Not to mention my writers block. I know it's short but it's up. I'll try to update soon.
Love ya!!!


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