Chapter 4

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The picture at the top is basically Violet and Olive throughout the years. It's the best I could do. Hope you like it!! ❤️💛💚💙💜

Violet's POV

Alberta dismissed us to go unpack. I walk to my room which oddly enough is the one next to Blu's. I walk in to find a girl with long brown hair unpacking. I can't see her face but her hair is the same color as mine.

"Hi. I'm your roommate for the next two weeks. I'm Violet Hathaway," I say she turns around. She looks exactly like me!!

"Whoa," we say in unison.

"What?" I ask.

"Do you not see the resemblance?" She asks. I can now hear her heavy Russian accent.

"Hmm. I guess so," I say. I turn to my dresser to start unpacking and say, "What's your name?"

"Olive Belikova. You said you're a Hathaway. I recognize that name I'm not sure why though," she said continuing to unpack.

"I've heard Belikov before but I don't think I've ever heard Belikova," I say  as I put the last shirt in my dresser.

"Do you want to meet my brother?" She asks.

"Sure. Maybe you can meet my brother too," I say. "How old is he?" I ask.

"He's 13. Like me. He's my twin."

I choke on my saliva when she says that. "I'm 13 and I have a twin brother too. What a coincidence."

We walk into the living room of the lodge. I spot my brother playing one of  the newly added arcade games. St Vlads has came here every year for like 15 years. Mom said when she was a senior they came here for the first time. The now tradition started because of a Strigoi attack. But this is the first time that St Basil's came.

"I see him," Olive says pointing to my brother and his doppelgänger. We walk over to them. "Hi Hunter. This is my roommate Violet Hathaway,"

"Call me Vi," I say. "Hey Blu. She's Olive Belikova. Blu is he your roommate?" I ask. He nods his head. "So weird! I'm roomed with my doppelgänger. You're roomed with yours. And our doppelgängers are twins," I say amused.

"Hey Vi. You think you can beat my score?" Asks Hunter.

"You're on!" I say. He gives me control of Pac-Man. I beat his score by six levels. "Ha! First place!"

"Is almost eleven. We have to be in bed soon," says Hunter. We all agree. We walk back to our rooms.

"What's your mom like?" I ask. "Does she visit you at the academy or is she all about Guarding?"

"I don't have a mother. Or at least I've never met her," Olive responds.

"If you're from Russia why do you and your brother have American names?" I ask.

"Our mother is American," she says with a smile. "We were born at Court. We moved to Baia when we were two I think. What's your dad like?"

"I don't have a dad. Well I suppose I have one somewhere. I've never met him. My mom lives on Court. She is Christian Ozera's Guardian. She calls him 'Firecroch', 'Sparky', 'Pyro.' There's about a dozen of them." Olive has a confused look on her face so I explain. "He specializes in fire magic. He's like an uncle to me. My grandma and grandpa are there for Blu and I way more then they were there for my mom. When she was four they gave her to the academy. I can understand why they did it though. Grandpa is a mobster. Some of his enemies tried to kill mom and grandma. She calls him 'Mobster Moroi' most of the time. What's your family like?" I ask.

"My grandma died last year. My grandfather was abusive to my grandma, dad, and aunts. Apparently when my dad was 13 he started to hit him back. My Dad has 3 sisters. Sonja, Viktoria, and Karolina. The Queen is like an aunt to me. I have 3 cousins. Paul, Zoya, and Katya. My dad and Aunt Lissa talk about a Rose Hathaway when they think we're not listening. That's where I've heard 'Hathaway' before," when she says my moms name I gasp. "What?" She asks.

"Rose Hathaway. She's my mom," I say. "What kinds of things do they say about her?" I ask.

"They talk about if the bond is still there. Whatever that means. They want to know how she's holding up. If she misses them. How the miracles are doing. I dunno."

"You know how I said I think I've heard Belikov before?" I ask. She nods. "I've heard a Dimitri Belikov before. Sometimes mom will refer to him as Comrade."

"That's my dad. Okay. This is going to sound weird but go with me on this." I nod my head. "When is yours and Blu's birthday?" She asked.

"April 25." She gasps.

"Do you know anything about your dad?" She asks.

"He's Russian I think. He's seven years older then mom. He was her mentor. I have a picture of him. But it was ripped right down the middle," I say. She goes rummaging through the top drawer of her dresser. "What's that?" I ask.

"It's a picture of my mother. It's ripped right, too. Right down the middle." I go to my nightstand I find the picture and hold it to my chest. "On the count of three. One. "

"Two," I say.

And together we say, "Three!"

"That's my mom," I say.

"And that's my dad," Olive says.

"So if Blu's and I mom is your mom. Hunter and yours dad is our dad. And we're all born on April 25. We're not two sets of twins we're a set of quadruplets!" I say with tears in my eyes.

" I have a brilliant beyond brilliant idea. We should switch places. Hunter and I can spend Christmas break with mom at Court while you and Blu can spend Christmas break with dad. We can teach each other to me the other," says Olive. I agree.

The next day we tell Blu and Hunter our plan. They agree like the have a choice. We spend the rest of the time at the ski lodge teaching each other to be the other. We almost never left our rooms. Only to eat. Usually Blu and Hunter would be in our room because their room was a mess.

When it was time to leave Blu and I could sound, act, and look exactly like Olive and Hunter. We knew everything about them. We know our way around a typical school day for them. We knew our way around their house. We already new how to speak Russian. We took it as our foreign-language. We knew everybody in their family by name and we know what they look like. Hunter and Olive can look, sound, and act exactly like us. They now know their way around our family, house, school, and life.

When it was time for the St Basil's planes to take off Olive said, "Remember Aunt Lissa will pick you up to take you home for Christmas break."

"Pyro will pick you guys up to take you to moms Christmas dinner. And remember don't ever call him 'Christian' they'll know something's up," I say to Olive and Hunter. We hugged then Blu and I left.

On the 12 hour plane ride from the Idaho ski resort to St Basil's was spent mostly of Blu and I practicing Russian and hoping Dad will like us.

We came up with a plan to get mom and Dad back together. We would spend Christmas with the parent we never knew. We would spend two of the three weeks getting to know them. On the third week we'd tell them. They'll have to meet to un-switch us and they'll remember the love they have for each other. They would get married and we'd move in together as one big happy family once again.

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