Fragile Things

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"Come on Liam, you'll look so cute in it!"

"No! I'd be way too embarrassed in front of everyone."

Liam and Alex stood outside of Jelonzo's bridal shop, where displays of weddings dresses stood behind the glass. Liam's face was bright red as he imagined himself in one of the elegant gowns.

"Alex I can't-" he started, but before he could finish, Alex was moving to whisper in his ear.

"Think about the pretty lingerie, and garter belt you could wear underneath it~" He cooed seductively and Liam felt his heart beat a little faster. He wanted to wear it. He wanted to walk down the aisle in a frilly dress. And he wanted Alex to ride it up over his waist...and...

Liam flinched out of his fantasy when he heard Alex start to chortle. "You moaned out loud Lamb~" Alex teased. Liam furrowed his brows and flared with embarrassment.

"Whatever! I'm still not gonna wear it! We can't really afford a dress like this anyway." He admitted with a hint of disappointment in his voice. Liam stared at his reflection from the glass. "I'll just be traditional and wear a suit, I can still wear lingerie under that anyway." Liam mumbled out the last part. Alex tsked "whatever you want."

Liam turned and looked at him dovelike, "...really?"

Alex smirked."Yeah, as long as we end up together in the end, it doesn't really matter. Right?"

Liam sighed and glanced back at the dresses. "No...I guess not."


Two weeks earlier, Alex was dolefully Sitting behind the front desk of a corner stop and shop. He lifelessly took the money of younger squids as they gleefully bought snacks and asked for change for the callie and marie figurine vendor.

He watched as the day drained away. Customers gradually became less and less as it neared sunset.15 minutes before closing, he leaned against the metal counter and watched the warm rays of light disappear behind the inkopolis buildings outside, until almost all of them were gone. And along with it, the rest of his happiness.

Rain started to pour not a few minutes later, and he groaned. "No one told me it would rain today."

He sighed and let his thoughts wander off with the sound of the mellow showers outside. He could only think of Liam. He missed his porcelain skin and cute pink tentacles. He also missed other things that made him blush up to his ears when he thought about it.

It was near dark when all of a sudden, he heard the door chime. It swung open, followed by shuffling footsteps that hastily made their way inside. Annoyance washed over him, and he turned to kick the latecomer out, "sorry, we're about to clos-" his eyes widened and his mouth parted the moment he realized who it was.

His heart threatened to beat out of his chest and he stared in disbelief at the beautiful face of his, once long gone, lover. He couldn't tell if he was dreaming or going insane. But he's standing rught there!


The other looked up and locked eyes with him. His coat and eyelashes were wet with rain water.

They stood like that for what seemed like minutes, when one of them finally broke the silence.

"I- I-, you didn't say say you were- what are you doing here??" Alex stuttered as he tried to hide the overwhelming mixture of feelings rushing through him.

Liam retained his composure, as if he knew he'd be there, and pulled off his hood. He stepped closer to his dumbstruck companion until their noses nearly touched.

Naughty Squids 2 (splatoon Lemons/Love story) RATED FOR AGES 18+ ONLY!!!Where stories live. Discover now