Chapter 5

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Accents everywhere.

Luckily I couldn't get enough of it. One row consisted of three seats, so three out of the four boys sat behind while one of them was left who had taken the middle seat in the row above. As soon as I was about to speak the boy in front literally blew my mind.

He was looking down

Started to comb his fingers through his light brown waves

And glares up at me with this beautifully constructed face.

"We heard you were coming." Says the gorgeous guy.

"What?" To be honest, I was glaring at his face while I was imagining us holding hands through a meadow with rainbows and butterflies. After I start to notice things around me, I snap into reality.

"You wanted to move seats, or something like that." He laughed. His laugh was the most adorable laugh. I finally figured out what accent that was.


"Yaa.." I say discouragingly.

"Well whatever seat you would like, why don't you pick the window seat." He smiled. "Everyone likes those the most."

"Sure." I smile back making sure my shirt is still slightly down. I notice the youngest blonde haired boy wiggles his arm through the seat and nudges the beautiful guy in the arm, obviously trying to make it noticeable. He "accidentally" hits my arm on the way back out of the chair trap.

The boy grabs my arm and looks at me with a worried face.

"Are you okay? Sorry my he is retarded sometimes." I look at him with a giggly face.

"I am fine." I laugh and put my hand onto his shoulder. I couldn't help myself from flirting, it comes naturally. He looks at my hand and smiles, that's when I decide to take my hand off. There was something about this guy, I could tell he was cool.

"Ashton" He speaks, he then puts out his right hand towards me gently grabbed mine. "And you are?"

 "Julia" I take a long soothing breath, "I er I'm Julia" He's going to judge me, I hesitated. I sounded so dumb. Instead of my prediction, he kept the conversation going with his high pitched giggle.

"It's nice to meet you (pause) Julia." As he said my name he smiled. I could feel butterflies growing inside of my stomach, fluttering as I feel if I'm going to burst. 

**30 minutes later**

I look up from my laptop screen and see Ashton smiling at my screen. I giggle.

"You like Mean Girls?" I ask him jokingly.

"In a matter of fact, I love it." he smiles at me and laughs.

"No you don't.." I tell him.

"Maybe I've never even seen Mean Girls." I laughed "Can I watch?" Of course when the butterflies leave the multiply by two expanding my imaginary strechy stomach very large.

"Sure, but I doubt you will like it."

"Let's give it a go then." he then plays the movie himself.

About an hour into the movie he leans in closer to me, reaches his long arms to my side and grabs my hand I look at him, smile, then watch the movie. When the movie was over it seems like our hands are super glued together. Seriously nothing can break it, well eventually it did but you know what I mean. He then gets real close to my ear and starts to whisper something. I nodded back in agreement and wait for the time to go.

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