Chapter 9

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We finally got all of our stuff arranged together in the apartment. Then I notice, we have no food. I go tell Beth where she wanted to eat tonight and she tells me that she already had plans. How could someone have plans the first day we get somewhere? She told be how when we were leaving the brown haired boy Calum stuck a sticky note on her butt with his number. She texted him and now they are going on a date. Kind of fast but I shouldn't be saying anything, I made out with a random guy in an airplane bathroom.

So now I had to figure out what I wanted. I'll probably come up with a good idea then blow it off for taco bell. That's what usually happens. I have a lot of time so I go into my room and spend time putting nice details into it like posters and little white boards. Then I go to lay out my make up and things like that and when I finish it looks perfect. I have about 5 One Direction posters on my wall, Beth and I love One Direction with all of our hearts. I have my vanity across the room from my bed with all my makeup and knick knacks. It still looked empty. There was a wall that was open and it made the whole room look weird. In my perspective at least, I really like to have everything perfect. After an hour of fixing my room I hear the door open, I know that Beth left maybe an hour ago so maybe she forgot something. She would say something like IM HOME or JULIA really loud. I get out of my closet my old softball bat and I lean the barrel on my shoulder. I look out into the hallway and no one was there. I slowly start walking down and I hear another noise. It was kind of like a stomp. I take a couple quick steps toward the living room. When I get to the end of the hall the door is open, so I look around and there's Ashton sitting on the couch.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, he laughs.

"Seriously?" I ask again. He gave me a smoldering look, I was dazing off into him but I convinced myself not to.

"I wanted to say hi." He said while laughing again at the end.

"So you broke in?" I confront him.

"Well the door wasn't locked." He says while smiling at me. Beth. Beth kept the door unlocked and this happened, I like seeing him but to be honest I'm not sure if I like him walking in. Even though him taking control is kind of hot. I need to snap out of it.

"Well hi." I say back and show him the door.

"But I just got here?" He snaps.

"Ashton" I say deeply and sad. "I have stuff to do." He comes toward me at the door, stands right in front of me. He then gets so close that he is looking down at my face. He bends down like he is going to kiss me then whispers in my ear.

"You will have to get me first." Right when he said that he ran into our house more, while I chase after him like I want to kill him. After running around he goes into my room and locks me outside the door.

"Well this must be your room?" He asks.

"Maybe..." I reply.

"You like One Direction?" he says

"Don't look at my stuff!" I yell. He replies with a clique cat noise.

"Ashton!" when I yell that last time he peeks his head out and welcomes me into my own bedroom. I take a step inside and see that the part of the wall that was missing something, now had something on it. Ashton put up his band poster on the blank wall and now it looked perfect. It had all the boys and Ashton in the back at the drum set.

"You're a drummer?" I ask while grinning.

"Ya, I don't really sing much." He replies. I asked him to tell me about the band but he denied to tell me. And ran into the kitchen. I follow and he wasn't there. As I was turned around I feel him wrap his arms around me and lift me up onto the counter. I couldn't help to lets out a little scream. When he lifted me up my legs wrapped around him and my arms around his neck. He looked at me.

"I never really noticed, how beautiful you are." My face practically fit in his hand, as he said that his thumb was gently gliding over my cheekbone. He suddenly dove in for a kiss.

"Ehh!" I burst.

"What?" He laughs.

"You have to sing for me first." He smiled at me, then looked at the ground.

"I will sing for you if you go to dinner with me tonight." He asks. I try to play hard to get.

"Only on one condition, if you pick out where to go." He grins at me again.

"Well I wouldn't let you pick!" He says sarcastically. He tries to peck my lips again but I moved away faster, while laughing. He then grabbed my head and gave me the most perfect single kiss.

"Gotcha, see you at 6." He says while exiting the door. I go into my room and seriously drown my face into my pillow. Kicking my legs furiously into my bed. When I decide to get up from my happy freak out Beth is standing at my door getting it on video.

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