Chapter 12

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I woke up to the aroma of toaster waffles probably from Beth, that was her favorite food. Every time I get up in the morning I automatically look in the mirror. When I did this morning I saw that my makeup from last night was all droopy and looked like I cried, a lot. Honestly, everything I did after the thing with Ashton is a blur to me. I clean my face up a little bit with makeup remover then head out to the kitchen. There was Beth making her toaster waffles with eggs in our small kitchen. I decide to start making my breakfast but I seriously don't feel right. I get out the coffee and milk and start to make my drink.

"Are you okay Jay?" Beth asks. Why wouldn't I be?

"Ya, why?" I curiously ask back.

"You are mixing milk into your orange juice, you have abnormally huge bags under your eyes and there was 6 beers in the fridge someone got me are gone." She snaps at me, and I couldn't blame her. I seriously feel like shit. I had to again tell Beth what was going on in my life and I'm pretty sure she could relate to what happened to me. As soon as I told her she wasn't mad anymore, she was sort of laughing at me. I tried laughing along even though I didn't know what we were talking about.

"So you drank all those beers?" She questions me.

"I honestly have no idea." I spill out. She goes to check my room and there was 5 bottles knocked over and one standing up with about half left.

"Damn Julia, all those over that." She says while smiling at me and laughing. I guess I should tag along a laugh. Beth goes into the kitchen and makes breakfast for me. I had no idea what I wanted so she made me my favorite breakfast which was honey bunches of oats with a pop tart or something like that on the side. She brings the food over to the couch because we don't really have a dining table, then goes down the hallway to her room. After I finished I rinsed off my plate because I am capable of doing some things right now then take a hot shower because it would feel really nice right now. I take off my clothes and jump into the steam filled shower. I felt like I was washing off all of the alcohol smell off me and all the dirt from that filthy picnic table. If I get into deep thought about laying on that table, its quite disgusting. So many people have been eating and touching and laying on that table. Once I thought about it I wash myself with soap a second time. Once I get out of the shower I do my daily hair routine which is brushing it out and putting it up in a towel then going to do my makeup. I seriously needed so much concealer because my under eyes were popping out so much. I remember letting Beth borrow my concealer so I go into her room and she was laying in her bed on the phone.

"Yaa..... Yaaa....... Julia! I'm on the phone with Calum." She blurts not giving me a chance to say what I needed.

"Cool, can I have my concealer back?" 

"Ya it's in my makeup bag." She then laughs at what Calum said. I go to search in her makeup bag which was hard to find because she had so many things that look like it.  I took one out and it was a mascara then another and it was lipstick. I finally found my concealer then Beth interrupts again.

"Beth! Calum wants to talk to you." She throws me her phone without an answer, then I head into my room.



"Ashton told me what happened last night, between you and him." he stops as I start to interrupt him.

"Well if you're going to tell me that he is mad at me then I don't want to listen." I snap.

"No no no. He just has been with a lot of girls before that like to move fast ya know. He really likes you though, like a lot. I told him its only been one day but he seriously can't get you off his mind. He said he sent you like 10 messages saying he was sorry but you never replied." I kind of felt bad. It wasn't really his fault he didn't know what to do. Or maybe it was mine. Maybe I should have gone along with it.

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