Chapter 1

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"Jay", someone whispered in my ear.

I started to get up from my bed, piling each of my blankets on the ground. It was winter so I obviously had a lot. I get up still wondering who whispered in my ear. I get ready for the day just like a high school cliche. I never really put much make up on, only on good days. And for my hair, who really looks at me so I usually put it in a high pony or bun. The one thing I really care about is my clothes, not to brag but I'm the shit at fashion. Just as I slip on my jeans I hear it again.


I glitch my body around and no one was there. I'm seriously starting to think that I'm going insane. I check all the parts of my room. There was one last thing waiting for me to open.

My closet.

I slowly take steps to it, drops of nervous sweat rolling down my face. I stand in front of it

as still as a rock,

I take my last breath,

squint my eyes shut,

and open the door.

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