13 - Caught and Jumped

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Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I hit the steering wheel several times before starting the car, following Yugyeom out of that place. 

Shit! If I am not mistaken, the guys in Room 802 are WOLFs. The one who just turned and looked at me before I left is none other than Jay, younger brother of Tiny - the man I just killed. I'm sure they would be checking on him after they've partitioned the drugs. I just hope he didn't recognize me. 

"You ok?" Yugyeom is by my window. I don't notice I've been sitting in the car for too long. I've parked it just a few meters away from his bike. 

"Uhm?" I look at him, being pulled away from my thoughts. "Yeah." I get out and walk beside him as we enter a small cafe. We go up the stairs to the second floor where Bam, Jackson and Youngjae are. "What are we doing here?" I ask Yugyeom, noticing that there are no other people around. I'm just guessing this is one of the places where the gang would usually meet up. 

"We can't use Mark hyung-nim's house anymore. It's off limits for now." Jackson answers. 


"I don't know." He shakes his head, "He just gave the orders when he got home last night. He looked really pissed."

Last night? Shit. 

"Anyway," Youngjae pushes a folder of papers in front of me. "He told me to let you read this."

I furrow my brows, questioning, "Why?"

He shrugs his shoulders. I open it and it says RULES and REGULATIONS on the first page. I so want to laugh out loud. I remember our exchange of words last night about Paul being my boyfriend and all. I just shake my head, smirking. 

Bam leans on the table, resting his chin on his hand, "How'd it go earlier?" He looks at me seriously. 

"Yeah!" Jackson chuckles sarcastically. "How does it feel to whack someone who used to be a bud?" 

Deathwish much? I push down the urge to strangle him to death right now. I raise an eyebrow and smirk. "You want me to test it on you? I didn't really get the feeling earlier." 

But, he's not shaken with my threat in anyway. He looks straight at my eyes like he's telling me he knows something that I'm hiding. I see Bam swallowing hard and leaning back on his chair though. 

We talk longer about deliveries I have to make for the week before we finally part ways, a bit tipsy. I leave the car to them and take a cab going back to my apartment. 


"Mia," Ryan is smiling up at me as he carries me on his arms and twirls me around after he'd won the race, "we won, baby."

I kiss him on the lips and hug him real tight. 

"We're finally getting out of here," he says, putting me down on my feet, taking my hand and leading me to his car. 

We drive back to his house where some of our close friends are already waiting with lots of booze and loud music.

I sit up from the bed, panting and perspiring. My tears flow down as soon as I open my eyes and I sob. I miss him. With everything that's been happening around lately, I wish he was here. I wouldn't be experiencing any of these. I wouldn't be feeling scared nor guilty. I would still be laying peacefully on his bed after that race. 

That race! 

It was the race before he died. I partly remember it now. The money he got from his win was enough to let us start a new life in a different place. I recall him telling me before the race that if he won, he'd be taking me out of the country and we'd be leaving behind the chaotic life we have here. 

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