12 - Another F*ckin' Job Done

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Holy shit! 

I look at Paul with wide eyes. He removes my hand from his mouth and gets up, walking towards the door. "What the fuck are you doing?" I whisper shout, trying to stop him before he opens the door. 

But, I'm too late. "Yes?" He tilts his head back at the boy who's clearly surprised to see another man in my apartment just after he fucked me good a few minutes ago. 

Mark's brows meet in the middle as he looks at Paul from head to foot. Then he looks at me standing behind the older guy then back at Paul. "Who the fuck are you?"

"I should be the one asking you that?" Paul blocks the door with his broad shoulders, putting his hands at both sides of the door frame. "What are you doin' knockin' on my girlfriend's door in the middle of the night?"

FUCK! What did he just say? I just wanna kill Paul right now. Great! So, he'll think that I'm really a slut, allowing him to touch me like that when I have a boyfriend. SHIT! 

Why would I care what he thinks anyway, right? AAAARRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!

Mark raises an eyebrow, looking at me. "Your boyfriend?" He smirks, then chuckles, shaking his head. "You sure?" He turns to Paul again, showing him his sarcastic laugh, "No wonder."

Well, Paul is .... He's the average looking guy. He's just a couple years older, maybe as old as Mark, but because of work he looks so stressed all the time that he doesn't have the energy to fix himself up. You know what I mean? If he'd actually spend time in front of the mirror, I think he'd look good. But ... he doesn't. That's the problem. 

"What does that supposed to mean?" Paul says, taking a step forward. The only thing obviously good about him is his prominent muscles since he's been trained in the force. 

"Hey, hey, hey!" I go between them before a fight would start. "I'll handle this." I tell Paul under my breath. I turn to Mark then. "What?"

He glares at Paul before turning to me. "I seem to have dropped my phone in your room," he smirks, clearly making it so fuckin' obvious that he was just in my bedroom earlier. 

"Oh." I step aside, letting him in. 

Mark quickly goes to my room, searching the table then the bed. When he goes to his knees to search under the bed, that's when I have to run, getting down on my knees beside him. 

"I'll do it." I say, pushing him gently to the side. 

"You didn't tell us you had a bitch!" He says, watching me bend over so I could look under better. 

"You never asked." I let my hand grope the dusty floor. And there it is. His freakin' phone that miraculously made its way under my fuckin' bed. "Got it! Here." I hand it to him, getting up from the floor. 

He takes it, staring at me longer than necessary. 

"What?" I tilt my head to the side, hiding my nervousness. Paul is standing by the door, watching us. 

"Did you go through the rules of the gang?" 

I didn't know they had it written. I shake my head. 

"You should. It's either you have your boyfriend join us, or you ditch him."


"Does he even know you're with us?" Mark asks. 

I look at Paul, his arms are folded across his chest, looking amused. "Yeah!" I nod. 

"How'd you meet him?" 

"Is this some kind of an interview or something?" Paul interrupts, sensing how nervous I'm becoming. "You got your phone. Now, I need my rest."

Mark turns to him, looking really pissed. Then he looks at me again. "Change of plans tomorrow. JB'll call you about the details." He says before walking out the room, bumping his shoulder with Paul and heading out the apartment. 

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