What about now?

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As I sit here and work. I start to text Adan. We start talking about random things like work and homework. As the conversation of vocab comes up. He asks me if I've study for the test tomorrow. I said no of course not. And then he starts sending me messages with vocab words in it which surprising me it helps me remember the words. Then I get this feeling if I should ask him how he feels about me. My heart starts to race and beat harder like if it wants to get out of my chest. Just like it did when I confessed to him. I dismiss that thought of asking him but the feeling was still there. As 12 o'clock comes I make my way downstairs to do my miserable hour as a receptionist. As time passes the feeling comes back. I start online shopping to keep my mind off of things but the feeling won't go away. 1 o'clock time for lunch I make my way upstairs to eat lunch by myself. The feeling comes back and it is stronger than ever. I pulled out my phone and start texting him
'I need to ask you something'
'Okay what's up?'
As I text these words I start losing the feeling in my legs. Then when I clicked send I lost the feeling of my body.
'How do you feel about me now?'

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