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If there’s anything I hate more than beetroot, it’s the first day back at school. I mean yeah, its term 4, but still, it’s another eight stupid weeks that we have to spend trapped in this stupid hell hole. And not only is term 4 notorious for being the ‘assignment term’ (due to it being so short the teachers feel like they should focus on refining our skills instead of learning more useless information) but work is going to pick up and I have to train twice a day almost every day of the week. I did actually sign up for all the extra stuff but still – I do like the concept of sleep.

Walking through the halls to return to my locker, I wave to a few of the people I know and have brief conversations about what they did on their holidays with them. My input in these conversations are pretty minimal – I can’t really say much except training can’t I? I mean sure I've hung out with Braydon a heap, gotten lunch with some of the boys after training and chilled with Amy and my school friends, but nothing too exciting.

The first class back of the day is Religion. I drag myself up there with two of my old friends, Tessa and Bec. We have a double lesson so I’m preparing myself to zone out the whole time. We also share this class with the school’s biggest bitch (in my personal little opinion), but I’m hoping that I can just keep my head down and ignore them.

So far I have done a very good job at avoiding people questioning me about the rumors that have been viciously spreading through school. People coming up with up with wild idea’s about why none of the ‘super sexy swimmers’ have been at any of the ‘super heckas parties these holidays’, connecting me to them and saying I’ve brainwashed all of them. I guess no one really does know what’s really happened. Points to the gossipers for trying though.

And on top this there is the ‘Charlie did it with James Monet’ scandal. “Who made the first move?” Some people asked. “I hear the cops came to the party” said another girl. “She got pregnant – that’s why she’s been MIA everywhere these holidays” said another one. “She’s brainwashed them all!” raged the last one. God, all the girls at my school are so freaking unbelievable and boy crazed, it’s sad.

“So what’s the deal, Charlie?” asks Tessa as we wait for out teacher to come into the classroom. “Where have you been?”

“Dude you have legit missed so much! It’s going to take forever to catch you up!” chimed in Bec.

“Well, because of… reasons… and competitiveness… Mr Carmichael has enforced all these really strict rules for the season. I’m going to have to rely on you guys to keep me up to date with everything,” I reply, twirling my hair between my fingers.

“Well we can make a start today! I doubt this lesson is going to be very thrilling,” Bec says, rolling her eyes and drumming her long nails on the desk. “But first thing’s first – do these reasons have anything to what I’ve heard it has to do with?”

“Depends what you’ve heard,” I say vaguely.

“Ok well… did you really do it with James Monet?” Bec asks. Slowly, I nod, a sheepish smile on my face.

“Oh my god you actually had sex with him!” Tessa yells, causing the rest of our chatting class to look over. Thank god the teacher hasn’t arrived yet.

“Could you say it any louder?” I tease.

“Sorry, it’s just… um… wow. I thought they had been lying,” says Tessa sheepishly. "Was he good?" she asks excitedly. 

I think about this for a while. I mean yeah, Amy and I had definately picked apart on one of our mellow days around the house but when it comes down to it, we were both drunk. "It was... fun. I don't remember many of the details to be honest but I remember that it felt surprisingly... natural," I finish slowly. 

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