chapter 8

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Henley looked over to Merritt, confusion obvious in her eyes.

"Who's Danny?" Merritt asked.

Jack's heart shattered; how did they not know their own best friend?


Danny sat in-between Jack's legs, fidgeting with the hem of his navy blue sweater. Jack's chin was rested in the crook of Danny's neck, and his arms were wrapped loosely around his lovers waist.

"Danny?" Jack spoke. Danny only hummed in response.

"They said they didn't know you." Jack faltered. Danny looked over his shoulder in confusion, then turning his body around completely to face Jack. Danny's head tilted, and his eyes were full of something that could only be described as utter perplexity.
"I talked with Henley and Merritt. They said that they didn't know someone named Danny, and that I was just dreaming." Jack explained. "But, you're real. I know you are. Danny, you're a real person. I can't be seeing things."

"Jack, whatever you believe, that's okay." Danny said calmly, his voice having a soothing effect on Jack. "And if they believe something different, that's okay, too."


Henley sat on the couch beside Merritt, picking at her nails. Jack hadn't come out of his room since Merritt had said those two words.

"Who's Danny?"

They repeated it like a mantra in both of their heads. God, Merritt wished he hadn't said that. The kid must've gotten his little heart broken. Merritt couldn't help but feel so bad to the point that he didn't even want to practice his mentalism on Henley.

The next day, Jack finally came out of his room, yet he looked more sleep deprived, more horrific than ever.

"Can I tell you guys about Danny?" The youngest magician asked.

"Of course." Henley and Merritt replied.

Jack began to list off a few things about Danny, and Henley and Merritt began to listen. A few of the things that Jack said about Danny were somewhere along the lines of, "the way his eyes light up at the mention of you two," or, "whenever he tries not to fall asleep, he says that Merritt is trying to hypnotise him and that he's not gonna fall for it,".

Merritt and Henley smiled at this; although they had yet to learn who Danny was.

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