chapter 9

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Danny's eyes were bloodshot red by the next morning, and his cheeks were stained with tears. Jack had asked why, yet received no response.

//-flashback provided by dickbag arthur tressler-//

"How... Why do they not know me?" Danny asked, looking up at Jack.
"I'm not sure." Jack replied, his voice trailing off.
"Do you think they'll remember me if you introduce me to them...?" Danny said, a sudden spark of hope in his eyes.
"Again, I'm not sure." Jack stuttered. "But we can still try." Danny smiled and cheered inwardly, hugging Jack with all he could.

//-end of flashback provided by dickbag arthur tressler-//

Henley and Merritt meeting Danny didn't go down too well; it led to multiple arguments that Jack never won (and probably won't ever win), it led to Henley breaking down and crying during those arguments, telling Jack about how he was mentally ill, and it led to Merritt finally making an appointment with a local therapist. That didn't go down well with Jack, either. He had insisted that he didn't need one, but Merritt had made the call anyways.


The weeks leading up to Jack's therapy appointment weren't the best for him. They weren't the best for Henley or Merritt, either.

Jack thought that people were out to get him.

And he was right.

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