Rooftop [Kuroo Tetsurou]

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Heyoo! this is my first one-shot so if theres wrong grammar or I spelled some words wrong please don't mind it, Thank you!~


Kuroo x Reader

   You're walking towards your classroom as usual except a Kuroo Tetsuro blocked your way. You really liked Kuroo. A lot. You don't really show it , because you don't really like to be teased, you don't want to ruin your friendship with him or you're scared to be rejected.

You tried finding a way to go through but he won't let you. Theres eye contact between the both of you wich made you blush really hard, plus your're not used to being this close to Kuroo. From all of that you're face looks like it transformed into a tomato right now.

"Kuroo, please let me pass. Im going to be late for my class" You said in a annoyed tone and a poker face

"[y/n]-chan, you like me don't you?~" He said with the smirk he uses all the time. Your eyes widen and you're very speechless about that question. You can feel your heart beating fast. Very fast.

"U-umm.. I-No! Why would I?!" You said nervously.

"Is that so?~ Just meet me at the rooftop at lunch time. Lets eat lunch there!" He said while walking to his own class.

   After all that you couldn't concentrate very much in class. All you can think of what will happen once you get there at the rooftop. You're thinking of the words that you would say.. INCASE! Thats too impossible you said to yourself.

"Arghhh!!" You shouted as you try to get it off your mind.

"Ms. [l/n], whats the problem?" Your teacher asked you with a terrifying look on her face. All of you're classmates are staring at you.

"Nothing, Sensei" You replied embarrassed. You didn't talk ever since that happened. Instead, you just looked outside the window. It made you calmer than before.

"Okay! Thats all for today!" your teacher said as she walked out of the classroom. Hearing those words made your heart beat again. You started to fix your things. While fixing your things you hear some girls chatting behind you talking about Kuroo. You felt broken. You're thinking that Kuroo might actually like them.. or something. As that happens you see Yaku aproaching you.

"Hi, [l/n]-chan." He said with a smile on his face. "Those girls will be sad if they discover that Kuroo is going to confess to someone else" Hearing that from Yaku made your heart drop. You started to think that Kuroo would confess to someone else.

"Oh. Really?" You replied. "Confess to who?"

"Oh. I'll let you find that out" He said walking away "See you later, [l/n]-chan!"

You stared at him very confused, yet you feel very sad. You got up from your seat, took your lunch then went to the rooftop.

    While walking towards the door your heart is pounding like crazy! As you reached the handle you opened it slowly. You see Kuroo already there so you've decided to go in even though you're super nervous. He noticed your figure then smiled at you then he aproached you. While he did your heart went VERY CRAZY!

"[y/n]-chan, Tell the truth. Do you like me?" He said in a serious tone. At this point you got nothing to do except tell the truth.

"I-yes.. I do like you" You answered very scared not knowing the things that would happen. You lowered your head then bit your lip as tears started to form in your eyes. You could tell that Kuroo was already smirking after hearing your answer.

"Well, I like you too, [y/n]-chan" He said. "Would you be my girlfriend?" Hearing those words made you look suprised at him.

"Yes!" You shouted with joy before feeling warmth on your lips.


There! I've done it!

Next up is Tsukishima x Reader

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