Why do we do what we do?

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Why do people hate on others because of their sexuality? Why do people hate people who aren't their birth gender?

I bet that person was once friends with the victim until the victim told them. Why can't everyone just love.

Because the Bible said so.
Because this religion is against it.
Because the power of righteousness tells us this.

But that's not true. The Bible is paper only meant to be read and learn things, but not everything on there is correct.

If a religion is against it, it probably isn't. It's whatever they read that they listen to. Their ears only listen to what their reading, what they're taught.

What type of righteousness tells you this? Read up and learn for listen now. Righteousness is being morally right. Everyone has righteousness in them.

It's an opinion that rings around the room. The room is hushed as one sees a couple of two men. People are judging them, but not spoken.

Being a guy trapped in a girl's body, is going against the Bible. The sinner has come and must repent. But no, I'm not a sinner. I go to church daily .

My religion's book may say no, but that's the old. Everyone get with the new! The new is the way people learn. The new is how people adjust.

The blinding path of righteousness is me. I can be right and I am right. The big words that scare others, make them run, don't scare me.

I could hide in the shadows I could hide in a closet. But I don't!
But I don't is what I say and what I do.
I open my eyes and see the world.

The world is blue and grey and black. It is a colorful place only if you look. Why do we judge when we get judged ourselves?

Do we do what we do to make us feel better, to make us feel right. Do we feel glad when we get what we want because we're human?

We do what we do because that's what we do. There is only few things to say and do. Maybe start by hearing someone's story.

So this was a slam poem that I made up on the spot! Pretty creative right?! I know. I hope you enjoyed.

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