The Sea of Ice

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So this is Book 2 in my Zutara series! If you haven't read Book 1, Falling for the Enemy, I suggest you go back and do that or you will not understand this one! :)

This one will probably not be as long as FftE, but there will be another book after this one so that's okay. :) Remember, if you want me to update, I expect five comments! And I'd also like at least five votes on each chappie before I update... :)



DISCLAIMER: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, and this story was inspired by it. It is not based on it. THERE'S A DIFFERENCE! Anywho- :)

Oh, also- I will not be updating anything without specific requests (i.e. Commentz) to do so! Just a little FYI there... :)

Also, the trailer for this book is to the side, made by yours truly, so check that out kk? K! xD

The Sea of Ice (Sun and Moon Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now