Chapter 3

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I shoot up off of my spot on the ground like my life depended on it. "W-What?!"

Levi sighs, resting his head in his hands. "I never really expected this to happen...and there's no way teaching will cover our personal needs...." Levi bites his bottom lip nervously.

I take a deep breath before kneeling down in front of the shorter male. "'s alright. We'll pull through!"

"A happy-go-lucky isn't going to pull us through financially, Eren!"

I was slightly taken aback by Levi suddenly snapping but his pissed expression is quickly replaced with regret. "I-I'm sorry."

I wrap my arms around Levi in a hug. "Do you have anyway to get ahold of Erwin?" I ask.

Levi shakes his head. "He's not answering his cell anymore. I tried driving to the club, but it's locked; no one in sight."

Well, shit. This is worse than I thought.

"Maybe we--" I gasp. "I know!"

I quickly stand up, taking my phone from my pocket. I scroll through my contacts until I find the name I want.

The other line connects almost immediately. "Armin! Thank god you answered. Liste--"

"H-Hey, Eren. I'm, uh, sort of busy at the moment...."

I squint my eyes suspiciously at Armin's rushed tone.

"Okay, Fine. Then I'll get straight to the point. Have you seen Erwin recently?"

The line went silent and I began thinking Armin hung up until I hear someone clear their throat.

"Hello?" That was definetly not Armin.

"Erwin?!" He must have been with Armin! Perfect! look over at Levi with a smile, letting him know I've gotten through.

"Why, hello, Eren. What can I do you for?"

"Um, well, I don't really know the details but...are you really shutting down Pas de culotte?!"

Erwin chuckles sightly. "I'm afraid so. I...I needed to move on with my life. I've finally found the one I want to spend my life with and I can't do that with the club. Since I couldn't exactly find someone to take it over...I've shut it down. I'm not 100% sure if this is temporary or not. I apologize."

Well, shit. I didn't ask for a whole life story but I will admit, it was a bit touching.

"Well, thanks for explaining but what about the people that worked at your club?"

There was a brief pause. "Most of the employees had separate jobs aside from the club. I'm sure they'll--"

Yeah, yeah, I'm not interested in your optimism. "Are you positive there's nothing you can do?!"

"Now, I never said there wasn't--"

"Then what, Erwin?! You seem to be avoiding the main problem at hand here!"

Levi stands up beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I know he wants me drop the subject, but I'm not going down without a fight!

Again, Erwin sighs. "Okay, fine. The club isn't actually shut down...more like, temporarily shut off to the public. Currently, the club is up for sale. I couldn't guarantee if this was temporary because I can't assure you what the future owner of the building will do with it. somehow can raise enough money I'd be more than happy to hand it over to you and Levi though."

I can't help but smile. I glance over at Levi, who now stare at me confused, before responding. "If possible, could you give me more details about that deadline you were speaking of...?"

Five minutes later and my phone call with Erwin was finally complete. That went a lot better than I thought it would!

"Now I just need to come up with a way to raise that much money before the deadline..." I mumble to myself, trying to rack my brain for any possible ideas.

"Deadlines? Money? Eren, what were you guys talking about?!"

I smile proudly, crossing my arms. "So, I got ahold of Erwin..."

Levi rolls his eyes with a smirk. "Yes, I know."

"...and he explained pretty much everything."

Levi stared up with expectance, waiting for me to continue.

"We're wouldn't know how to raise a large amount of money before the end of the year would you?"

Levi's curious expression immediately turns into a serious one. "Actually, I may know a gu--wait, no. Why?!"

I was about to go into detail about the club but was hit with the realization that we still stood alone in the middle of the school parking lot.

"How about we head home, and I'll explain everything then."

Levi considers this a moment. "Fine...But only because I want lunch."

"You make a fair point there, my love~" With a chuckle I place a quick kiss to Levi's cheek before we're both hopping into our separate vehicles.

The two of us make it home rather quickly, but I mean it's for food, so who wouldn't?

I quickly open my car door,  but pause when Levi calls out to me.

"I forgot to ask, but why did you end up needing to stop by the school?"

No. Why did you have to bring this up?

"I...left something in the teacher work room. It wasn't there though." I shrug as casually as I could, trying to end the conversation.

Levi squints at me suspiciously, as if he really wanted to ask what it was that I left.

Even though It's partially his fault this happened in the first place, I can't bring myself to admit my embarrassing mistake.

Though, on second thought, what if he knows what happened to them...? I really loved that pair.

"If you want to know what I left, I'll tell you." I comment as the two of us head inside. Levi looks slightly surprised that I gave in so easily. "That is, if you promise to hear me out on what I have to say about Erwin and the club."

Levi sighs, "Should I sit down? The look on your face tells me I should sit." Levi plops down on the couch and I am quick to follow.

"Okay, what is it?"

"I don't know how to put this lightly, so I'm just going to say it. There's no way I could do this without you so: Levi,, would you like to own Pas de culotte with me?"

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