Chapter 4

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"Damn it!"

Now, you may be wondering why a young adult such as myself is currently walking around, yelling such things.

Easy: Levi thinks the brilliant idea I suggested was impossible. Not even thirty seconds after I suggested it, the shorter male storms off, ending the conversation before it even started!

"I could have sworn the way I said it was nearly impossible to refuse..." I put a hand on my chin, thinking of what else I could do.

Sure, the club is closing, and yes that would affect us financially, but if we owned the place and Levi still danced we'd be even better off! But how would we raise 300,000 the end of spring break?!

The more I repeated it, the more I actually began to understand where Levi was coming from....

I groan, running my fingers through my hair.

It's at times like these where one must turn to the internet for advice.

So, that's what I do. I rush back into the living room, plopping down on my couch. Unlocking my phone, I search up ways to earn money fast.

Even though that's sketchy as hell, I was willing to risk it during this desperate time.

"Hm...becoming an surveys...break spending habits? Are they suggesting I starve?! Ugh, these are useless!" Though, right before I was ready to exit the site I was on, I noticed something at the bottom of the list was not quite like the rest...

"A link..?" Curious as to where it would lead I didn't hesitate on clicking it.

As soon as I did, three things came to mind: 1)This is perfect! 2) this is sketchy af and probably a scam 3) I didn't give a fuck.

I leap out of my seat. "Levi! I have a way to get the money!" I yell, as I rush toward our bedroom.

He was slowly beginning to sit up when I barged into the dark room."Look at this!"

Levi squints his eyes at my illuminated screen, mumbling as he reads the contents on the screen. His eyes widen, and he looks at me with a small smile.

Yes! That's a very good sign! "And yes, I know it sounds a tad bit sketchy but--"

Levi stands up quickly, cutting me off. "Remember how I told you I knew a guy?" He wastes no time in fishing his own phone out of his pocket and scrolling through his contacts.

Pressing on a name reading "ɹǝɥʇunפ" from where I stood. Huh, someone named Gunther? Never heard of em.

The man on the other end answers almost instantly.  After a few moments of indistinguishable words, Levi finally has the chance to respond. "This is Levi. Are auditions for your contest still going?"

My eyes widen and quickly snap down to my own phone. Gunther the host for...this?! My eyes continue flicking from my phone to Levi as I fail to process everything.

Levi nods a few times, muttering thank you's here and there, before his call was finally complete.

I watch my boyfriend expectantly before he looks up at me with a smile. "We're in."

"Oh my god! You did it!" I crash into Levi with a hug, causing him to fall backwards on the bed behind him.

Chuckling, I crash my lips onto his just loving the feeling of his body against mine.

"So," I start, breaking apart to roll over beside him. "Spill the deets!"

Levi looks at me, slightly horrified. His eyes flick down to his lap before meeting mine again. "Spill the what?!"

I laugh, when I realize what Levi thought I was referring to. "Pfft, sorry. Student slang."


Cleaning my throat, I try again. "What did he say?!"

Levi rolls his eyes with a smile. "Alright, last day of auditions is tomorrow, the actual competition is on the last day of spring break, but...the prize money is 400 grand."

What?! Sure, we'd be cutting it close by entering this, and if we failed we'd have no time to raise anything else, but oh my god! If we win...we'd still have a hundred thousand left for ourselves!

Levi chuckles, his hands resting behind his head as he looks up at the ceiling. "So, what are we going to do? This was your original idea after all."

I smile at all the possibilities. "As much fun as going all out and doing something crazy would be, I should do what you're good at. This is a dance competition after all."

Levi nods, considering the idea. "Why not combine the two?"

"Is it even possible to make your usual routines even more crazy?! I don't think I'd come back alive from something like that."

Shit, I'm getting hard just thinking about it!

Levi is sitting up now. "Alright then, that settles it. But, for this to work, I'm going to need to teach you how to pole dance if we're in this together."

My eyes widen. I could never imagine myself working the pole, but damn was I willing to try! "When do we start?!"

Levi slides out of bed, beckoning for me to follow with a finger. Slightly confused, but willing to comply, I follow after the shorter man.

I follow Levi out of our room, down the stairs, until we find ourself in the kitchen. I look around in awe. "We're practicing in here?"

Levi stops in front of a cupboard, "What? Oh, no. I just got thirsty."

Pulling out a glass, I watch as he takes his time in walking up to the fridge to fill his cup with ice....then water....And finally, when his cup is halfway full, I watch in complete silence as he takes a couple swigs and places the glass on the counter.

I look around awkwardly as I wait for Levi's next move. There's no way he brought me down here just for this.

"What were we doing again?" Levi asks. I stare dumbfounded. "Uh, we--"

"Oh right!" Levi, then grabs my hand and begins pulling me back the way we came, and back up the stairs, but instead of going back to our room, we turned into his study.

What I mean by study is basically a room with a desk, computer, and a few bookshelves. Walking over to one of said bookshelves Levi places his hand over a thick, red book.

When he goes to pull it out, the unexpected happens. The two bookshelves begin to fucking slide apart, revealing a door.

"You...have a hidden room?! How did I not know about this?!" I didn't even know those existed in real life!

Levi shrugs as he begins to open the door, "You never asked."

"This isn't exactly something one casually brings up in conversation..." I mutter.

Stopping in the doorway, Levi turns back to me with a smirk. "Auditions are tomorrow right?"

I nod, curious of what lie on the other side of this doorway.

"Then," he continues, "shall we start your practice now?"

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