Chapter 11

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You ever get that drop in your stomach, when you know you fucked up?

Well as a professional procrastinator I am very familiar with that feeling. Levi and I ended up spending the whole break studying french, just not the language.

The final bell rings and students start taking their seats and talking amongst themselves, I'm so screwed.

As the announcements play I try and organize my papers and look like I know what I'm doing. Fake it till you make it...I guess.

"Okay class," I begin as the announcements come to an end, "I'm sure you all know me, I will be filling in as your french teacher for the next two weeks. My only rule is don't be late, and if you have any questions about french, I heard google is pretty great." The kids laugh and I begin writing out one of Levi's lesson plans he never did.

I can only hope his day is going better. Although considering his general personality, he's having way too much fun with this...


The day goes by agonizingly slow, constantly switching between German and French, I can't wait to go home and just sleep. However, Levi and I have to rehearse for the next audition. It will be the first official elimination round.

My phone rings and the song Ms. new booty starts playing and I instantly know who it is.
"Hey babe, what's up?"

"When are you going home? I have some paperwork I need you to pick up from my office".  I sigh, I swear the work never ends with him. Out of everyone I could have fell for, I fell for a teacher. And now I am one. I'm sure my past self would love to slap me.

"Yeah no problem. I haven't left quite yet. I'll head over". 

I make a U-turn and start walking back through the hallways, nodding at my students and wishing them a good night. 

I do happen to notice how the halls look significantly cleaner, and less crowded. Yeah students are probably hiding in the bathrooms from satan incarnate.

Levi is an amazing person, he's kind, passionate, and loving, but when he gets cleaning he can be rather terrifying.

I open the doors to his office and he's leaning against the front of his desk, arms crossed.

"Take a seat, Eren". I move to one of the black leather chairs and sit down, as Levi slowly makes his way over to me. He removes his tie and clicks a button on the lamp beside his desk, consuming the office in darkness.
"It was very good of you to take over the class," he bends down on his knees and starts rubbing my inner thighs, "you're not even complaining about the class. On top of that you're helping me buy back the club".

Levi moves his hands towards my crotch as he stands up and starts to straddle me. He leans forward and whispers into my ear, "don't you think you deserve a reward?" I nod my head run my fingers along the back of his head before pulling back his raven black hair. He moans slowly and starts to kiss down my neck, nipping and sucking, most likely leaving not-so-subtle marks.

Levi runs his hands down my chest as he slowly moves back to the floor, I can feel my heart race with every movement. He always captivates me no matter what he does.

He starts to unbuckle my belt and slowly pull it off. Once he gets the whole belt he grabs my hands and begins to tie them together.
"You can't touch me. I feel as though the best part of any gift is the suspension". He smirks as he leans forward gripping my zipper and pulling it down with his teeth.

I can feel myself getting excited from his touch, each time our bodies meet a shot of adrenaline courses through my veins. He has complete control over me, and he doesn't even know it.

He pulls my shaft out and begins to lick the base and slowly move to the top, he looks up and begins to speak, "wake up"

"What?" I start to shift uncomfortably.

"Wake up!" His voice changes into that of a teenager.

I jolt awake as one of my students, mark, begins to shove me.

"I said wake up!"

I gasp and look around the room, all the students are gone, I turn on my phone and look at the time; five minutes past the bell.
"What happened??"

"You fell asleep during the first chapter of our class reading. McBeath in French. Most of the students left after that".

Fuck! First day and I fall asleep. I guess the stress of everything has really been getting to me.

On top of the new class, and the late night practices, I find myself worrying more and more about those texts. So far for the past few days it's been radio silence. Maybe whoever it was just got bored.

"Thank you for waking me up. You can go now" he nods and turns back exiting the room, leaving me to my own thoughts.

Maybe it really was just one of my friends trying to fuck with me...

I shake the thought and gather my things into my brief case, either way, it seems to be done.

I head out of the classroom locking the door behind me. There's still a few hours left and I don't have another class till the end of the day, so I decide to head down to the bar to grab a quick wrap and some fries before heading back to work.

I make my way to the parking lot eventually finding my car, although as I approach I notice a small box on the inside, with a pink bow on top.

Well I wouldn't consider Levi a romantic, but I guess he has his moments.

I unlock the car and grab the box before sitting down, carefully opening it, it contains a single chess piece, a pawn. Okay... not from Levi. Attached to the bottom of the box is a note;

How long do you think it will take me to say check-mate?

It then hit me, harder than anything before. One single thought rippling through my brain,
This is only the beginning.

Thank you for everyone's supporting messages, video will be out as soon as I get my camera repaired...oops. Also there sadly was a breakup. I will most likely go over that in the video. Love you all. And if you haven't yet already, be sure to check out a new book I'm working on called "LOVING RAVEN"
Xoxo xox

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