Chapter 9

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Good news! I'm not single! Haha thanks for everyone's support.  Important question at the end!!!!!

By the time I woke up it was already 1:00pm. Looks like last night took a lot more out of me than I thought.

I got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen, the smell of eggs and bacon filling the room.
"Morning babe" I say through a yawn, leaning against Levi as he cooks.

"Good morning Eren. Breakfast will be ready soon, so set the table." I sigh and get out the cups and plates and place them neatly on the table, after whipping it down making sure there is no dust or crumbs.

God forbid captain clean freak doesn't have a perfectly clean, symmetrical table.

I sit down and decided to pull out my phone as I waited. A notification comes in from an unknown number and I open my messages.

I wonder how disappointed Levi must feel having settled for a student. Not even top of the class at that. Let's hope you don't disappoint him even more by failing the competition.

Okay this seriously isn't funny.
Is this Jean? Armin?
If this is your idea of a joke it sucks. I know Levi loves me.

Oh. But does he really? Your whole relationship is a secret. Forcing him to stay with someone he can never truly be open with. Speaking of secrets, how much do you really know about him? Seems to me, if he actually loved you, you'd at least know about his past?

"-ren. Eren. Earth to Eren!" I jump slightly as Levi calls me and he puts my plate down roughly in front of me.

He sighs and sits down in his chair crossing his arms and glaring at me. "Okay Eren. Cut the crap. Seriously, what's gotten into you? Every time you look at that phone you get all jumpy," he reaches for my phone which has been placed at the table, and I jump forward ripping it out of his hands.

"It's okay. It's nothing! I swear!"
His brows furrow and he leans forward.

"Eren, give me your phone." I can tell he is getting angry as his knuckles turn white.

"No, Levi you're paranoid. It's okay I swear. Now let's eat." Levi let's out an exasperated sigh and begins to eat his bacon and eggs.

I can't let him know. Not yet anyways, and if it gets out of hand I'll tell him, but he already has enough to stress over. He doesn't need some stupid kid to worry about too.

The more I think about his messages the more it gets to me.

Levi is settling. He can't have a normal relationship. If word got out that he's been involved with one of his former students, or worse that he was involved with one while he was still a student, then things could get ugly.

He can't be open to the staff, I've never met his family, maybe I really am nothing more than a burden...

Maybe Levi would be happier without me.

I push the thought out of my head and continue to eat. "Thanks for the food Levi, hey, would you like to go on a date today?" He looks up from his food with a questioning look.

"A date? What would you like to do?" Well that's a good sign.

"How about the beach?" He shakes his head and finishes the last bite of bacon before speaking.

"No, most likely our students and possibly fellow teachers would be there. What if a teacher saw us together what would they think? And you know how fast students spread rumours." I look down at my phone and fiddle the dark screen.

"You're right Levi, I'm sorry it was a stupid idea." I get up and kiss his forehead and place my dishes in the sink. "I think I'm going to go on a walk."

"Eren wait! I didn't say we couldn't go on one, just not something-" I cut him off as I get my shoes on.

"Public I know." Levi sighs and walks after me and I pull him towards me and kiss him.
"It's okay. I just need some air," he nods and allows me to leave.

I walk down the street and see couples holding hands and playing with their kids.

I wonder if Levi would ever want kids, maybe he'd like to get married one day.

Could I give him that? I think I'd like to get married and have kids.
I'd name a boy Vincent after Vincent Van Gogh. Levi's favourite artist.

As I begin to enter the down town area I pull out my phone and dial a number.

"Hey? It's Eren. Let's grab a drink together, just the two of us."


I sat at the bar and waited, until I was met with a hug from behind.

"I've missed you. Glad we can grab a drink." I smile at the excited blond boy. Still as happy as when we were in high school.

"Hey Armin. I've missed you too!
How are you and Erwin?"
Armin orders a drink and orders another refill of scotch for me.

"We're great! Don't tell anyone, but I think he might actually propose soon!" He laughs in a hush tone.

"That's awesome Ar! I'm happy for you. You and bushy brows can have bushy brows children then." He punches my shoulder and tells me to shut up.
"Thanks for coming. I really needed a friend and felt like catching up."

"Anytime Eren." He holds his drink up in the air and gives me a mischievous smirk, "now, let's get wasted!" We clink glasses and I finish my scotch ordering ten shots of vodka.

"Armin that's the smartest thing you've ever said!"

Okay so good news: we worked everything out and we are great! Secondly, I was thinking about doing a live video on Instagram for a couple Q&A or just to answer questions and such. Would anyone actually be interested?

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