{9} weakness

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this chapter is so long, goodness gracious. anyways, i'm rather pleased with it and i hope you lot fancy it as well. the next chapter should be up within under a month this time, maybe two weeks tops but most likely just one if even that because i already have it planned out. so let's hope for a speedy update! please vote, comment, and follow if you are so inclinded to do so, i really enjoy it when you do; it fills me with joy. a gif of skylar is off to the side, thank you for reading, i love you. 

p.s the "then" 's are events of the past and the "now" 's are those of the present, for clarification if you are confused. okay, that's all. muah! :) x


     “Hello everyone, I know you might all be nervous as this is a new place for you. However, you have nothing to worry about; this school is a place of happiness, one to make new mates and learn lovely new things! I am Miss Holliston and since this is your very first day of nursery school I want you to pair up with one other person and get to know each other. We’ll switch every few minutes before we start with some reading. Pair together everyone!” I blinked up at the teacher, sliding down my seat as I pushed my thumb past my lips. I didn’t want to pair up with anyone, I was sure they wouldn’t like me. Everyone thought I was strange when I tried to talk to them on the playground. Why would this be any different?

     “You shouldn’t do that.” A boy whispered in my ear, scaring me as I jumped out of my seat and gave him an angry look for making me scared. He had big, bright green eyes. They were very pretty eyes.

     “Do what?” I mumbled before the boy smiled, holding out his small pale hand.

     “I’m Harry. I want to pair up with you; you have nice eyes.” He said quickly as I shook his hand with my left one, as the other was occupied in my mouth. “And you shouldn’t suck your thumb, people are mean and they’ll make fun of you.”

     “Oh.” I pulled my thumb out real fast after Harry told me that. I didn’t want anyone to make more fun of me.  Maybe he would be my friend, I thought, smiling at him a little. “I’m Skylar. And it’s something I do when I’m nervous.” Harry leaned closer to my ear before speaking.

     “When I’m nervous I like to cuddle with my bunny, snuggles. I packed him in my backpack when my mum wasn’t looking. But don’t tell anyone, okay?” I giggled as he put on a serious face and held out his pinky.

     “Promise I won’t.” Our pinky’s locked and when we let go, I went to my small book bag. “You have nicer eyes than me. Mine look like poopy grass.”

     “No; they look like an ocean. Very glittery. But they’re also grass. Blue and green; magic eyes. I think they’re my new favourite colour.” I stood up after I had finished digging in my bag, holding out a carton of orange juice to Harry as I smiled.

     “My mum packed me an extra one in case I made a friend. I didn’t think that I would and I was going to drink both but I like you, Harry.”

     “I like you too, Skylar. I’ll share my cookies with you later, if you fancy chocolate chip. I made them with my big sister, Gemma.”

     “Who doesn’t like chocolate chip cookies?!” I exclaimed, wondering why he would think I wouldn’t like cookies. That was mad, everyone fancied cookies.

     “Okay, time to switch! Find a new partner.” Harry frowned as Miss Holliston finished speaking. I liked Harry, he was nice to me. I didn’t want to go with someone new; we didn’t even talk lots yet.

     “We’ll talk later, yeah? At lunch. Those cookies have your name on them Sky.”


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