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To those who are blinded by false love, insecure about their flaws, the ones who harm to protect, or those who grow only rotten to the core. For you the ones who face reality is the strongest. Be someone worth fighting for To protect those who you love.

Sakura sighed as she pocketed the kunai's she had as she prepared to enter the Academy, although two months late she didn't mind.
Looking around the plain white room in the main household of the Uchiha's she sighed, pulling on a dark grey hoodie and ninja boots, spandex shorts and tying her pink hair into a tight bun she was ready.

Opening the door she walked downstairs only to meet the head of the house on her way there, Fugaku gave her a look of disdain as he side stepped her and walked silently to the dining room. Sakura looked ahead of her and then turned to her right facing the dining room with a blank gaze.

Walking in she was greeted with silence as Sasuke turned his head away from her still displeased that an outsider was living with the almighty Uchiha clan. Itachi on the other hand gave her a small dip of his head to show he noticed her. Sakura being polite nodded back ever so slowly as she pulled herself into her seat beside Itachi, her eyes dull and frail hands gripping the chopsticks lightly. She ate with grace and finished her rice fairly quickly. Washing the dishes while Mikoto fussed about her, before she got her bag and bowed to them.

"Sasuke why don't you escort Sakura-chan to school?" Mikoto cooed to her son and he grumbled something making her put on a sickly sweet smile.

Sasuke got up and shoved his hands in his pockets before walking out of the house with Sakura following close behind, her wrist, neck, ankles adorning black bands that each weighed 30 pounds.

Sighing she got out a sketchbook filled with all sorts of sketches of people she flipped to a page that was all to familiar.
A sketch of her father, making her stroke the page lightly she looked up to see Sasuke peering behind him at her.

"What is it you need Uchiha-sama?" She inclined her head to the side as she addressed him formally. After all,  every Uchiha is known to be royalty.

"N-nothing keep walking you're lagging behind you snail." He sneered as he walked faster.

Sakura blanched feeling numb, too used to his petty remarks she followed behind her hood pulled up hiding the upper half of her face as they both arrived to the academy.

A blond busty woman sat in the office as she gazed down with scrutinizing glare, her glasses set upon the bridge of her nose and nails painted a god awful pink.
"Ah a new student how wonderful, name?" The woman sniffed turning to her sheets.

"Sakura Haruno.." Sakura almost barked it out but remained calm, her voice had an icy edge on them making the woman growl in distaste.

"So disrespectful! Your in Room B309 your teacher is Iruka Umino!" She snarled shoving the girls admission slip back into a folder, before turning away.

Bowing Sakura walked away to catch up to the brooding raven who waited for her in the halls, not saying a word he walked away from her. Following behind him she looked around the fairly clean place, sunlight washed over her through the filmy windows as they both entered
Iruka's  classroom.

Said teacher turned around, his tanned skin, spiky brown hair and that scar across his nose made Sakura wonder where he got it. Sakura made herself walk towards the front of the class and bow.

"My name is Sakura Haruno and that is all you need to know as if now." She spoke clearly.

A child raised his hand and spoke loudly. "Wheres your hair? Are you bald?!" His loud obnoxious voice rang out through the classroom making the other children laugh.

Sakura put a hand under her hood to release the band holding her hair up as she pulled down her hood to look at them.

Sakura put a hand under her hood to release the band holding her hair up as she pulled down her hood to look at them

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"There I have shown myself to you." She muttered as she pulled her hood on leaving the class snickering at her pink hair.

"Alright settle down Sakura-chan sit beside anyone you like!" Iruka smiled.

Sakura bowed and spotted Sasuke glaring at her as if daring her to sit by him. She averted her gaze to see a blonde boy who was looking at a textbook that seemed ripped and in bad shape. Slowly she made her way to the empty seats beside him and slid into the seat beside him.

Alarmed he looked at her and quickly shut his open mouth to pay attention to Iruka. The pink haired girl glanced at his textbook and then hers, they looked very different, his key page and important information were ripped into a mess and pages were missing. Her book was new so nobody could tamper with it.

Giving him a odd stare she snatched his book away and slid her book in between him. The blonde boy with small whiskers in his face gave her a shocked stare but quickly looked to the book and started to take barely legible notes in a notebook. Sakura smiled as she pulled her hood up further to hide her eyes. Writing down notes she quickly looked at the time and continued to work.


A smaller red haired boy had his arms folded as his sand surrounded him in a golden wave. "This village is a disgrace.." he muttered as he looked out to the golden sandy horizon.

Gaara Subaku looked down and examined his hands, his vision blurred and all he saw was a crimson blood stain his hands. Shaking his head he saw his normal hands but couldn't shake off the dreadful feeling.

His uncle had tried to kill him but in the end.... he blew himself up hoping to take the young boy with him. Sadly Gaara knew the truth. The explosives didn't kill his uncle.

He did. He had killed his uncle in cold blood and now a deep red stained his hands every time he looked at his mirror reflection. Gaara sighed and went back into his house and saw his older sister in the hallway. The girl was beautiful yes, with sandy blind hair tied up into four pigtails and teal eyes that sparkled when she was happy. Those very teal eyes reflected the fear that emerged when she saw him.

"G-gaara...I-I didn't see you there!" She stammered slowly inching away from the monster of the house.

Gaara merely stared at her she thinks Im a monster too.... just a bloodthirsty monster.. his mind echoed his insecurities which made him frown as he walked past her brushing his body against her, feeling her shake in Fear.

He entered his room and stared at the circling fan.
"Who am I really? A monster or am I a human." He muttered bitterly. "I bet no child my age has killed....they dont know the feeling of blood stained hands." He chuckled hollowly and shut his eyes. Focusing on the chakra of his family he meditated.

Will anyone accept a monster like me?


Sakura sighed as she almost dozed off, oh how she wished she never closed her eyes for when she opened then everything was stained red, her hands, her face, the classroom vanished and was replaced with her parents room. Her desk became her fathers bloody and broken body. Her inner mind shrieked in glee "MONSTER MURDERER YOU KILLED HIM!!! YOU KILLED FATHER!!!"

Sakura's body shook in terror and she squeezed her eyes shut trying to drown out Inner's taunting voice, her words spike truth in the harshest way.

Thats right

She a killer

A monster

And a murderer

Nobody would accept her for her.

Those labels she carries overweighs everything else

Broken Petals {Sakura Haruno}Where stories live. Discover now