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The air had an ominous aura to it as the loud whispers of death carried on the wind like a war drum.
The echoing of silence filled the void of the rosettes heart and she closed her eyes.
She stood up and outstretched her arms towards the moon as if wanting to touch the huge star, to feel as if she could wish upon the silver quills dipped in the inky galaxy. For every wish they write down to answer, the shoot across the night sky and cry out a melody to the sick and broken.

"Sakura....." a gruff voice coughed out behind her.

"Yes... Sasuke-sama..?" Sakura didn't turn around as she kept her arm up and outstretched.

"I..... will...." he grunted "Will you explain to me why you changed."

"Everyone changes one day..... just because you know them it doesn't mean you truly know what they've been through. Take Naruto."

"That Dobe?"

"Yes.... what do you think happened to him?"

"Well... he's always so... happy? Doesn't he have parents? Why does he always hang around you?"

"That's where you're wrong.... Naruto is an orphan. He was born into this world and immediately was forsaken by the villagers you try so hard to protect."

"What the-" he scrunched his nose "what do you mean?"

"What I mean is... sometimes... people are cursed. But... even cursed being deserve love."
She whispered as she turned around to face him.
"Why are you focused on revenge?"

"I!  He killed my clan! The people I love!"
Sasuke spat out vehemently, his eyes flashing with rage at his insolent teammate.

"He killed the people who only liked you because you were a clan heir. You were the clan heads son."

"You.... you're lying!"

Sakura stepped closer as her hand hung limp at her side. Her breath mixing with his. "No... those aunts and uncles... those childhood friends only loved you because of your status. To get on your good side, to be in your favor. They never truly loved you like your brother."

"Y-you don't know ANYTHING"

"What about your brother! Itachi nii-san? He loved you."

"No he fucking didn't! He told me to hate him to grow strong!" Sasuke was trembling as he glared at her yet doubt flickered across his eyes.

"Oh? So he doesn't love you? Even when he took care of you, took you under his wing, treated you as if you were the most precious person in his life, giving his all to be with you, to train you, to be there when you cry. Itachi doesn't love you?" Sakura had an icy glare set on her ivory face.


"Face it Sasuke.... once you obtain your goal what happens next? What's your plan? How would you feel after knowing that you truly will be alone?"


"He loves you Sasuke.... He loved you so much he would give his life to protect you. In any way he can he would have replaced a whole clan who never truly loved you just to see you smile. He would kill himself if it was to protect you." Her voice was steady as she slowly felt herself crumbling. " Because isn't it better even through the pain, to at least still have the will to smile?"

"He....he... loves me.... n-nii san..." Sasuke fell to him knees clutching at them as he could feel a warm hand on his shoulders.

"Sasuke... just let it go.... take your rage and let it go like the waters of river nam." She whispered "i'll be here... i'll support you. To be your pillars of support." Sakura wrapped her arms around him.
"I'm sorry..."

Broken Petals {Sakura Haruno}Where stories live. Discover now