Academic Friends or Foe?

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The wind blew fiercely outside the academy while many children played or doodled. Looking around Sakura could only frown, it was a ninja academy yet half the students were picking their nostrils and giggling like babies.

Sakura sighed as she looked over a large Medical textbook flipping through the yellowed, water ridden pages. The ink was smudged but she could read a bit of it.

"Hn...what are you doing?" A shadow blocked her vision and she growled looking up to meet the onyx eyes of Sasuke. Her face blanched as she shut her book got up and left the room.

"I can't do it.... I can't just pretend that I 'Love' him!" She muttered angrily as she sat behind a bench with flowers all around her feet. Picking up a daisy she inspected as it had bug bites all around the edges making it look weak.

"Flowers are petty things aren't they?" Sakura sighed as she watched the daisy curl up and wither to dust in her hand. "After all....I can't be a person to love someone as long as this is within me." She murmured watching as the ashes fluttered and scattered in the wind.

Closing her eyes she tucked her hands into her grey sweater pockets, leaning back on the hardwood bench she dozed off.


A boy with the palest lavender eyes approached the sleeping girl as his pupil less eyes inspected her, her hair was fluttering softly as he bent down onto one knee curious.

Who was this girl?

Was she studying to be a ninja?

Thoughts ran amongst the boy's mind as he moved the silky hair away from her face, his own hair dark brown that fell over his shoulders.

Suddenly he found himself on the ground and the girl wide awake, something cold and sharp pressed against his neck. The girl had fierce green eyes and a heart shaped face.

"Who are you." Her voice was low as she pressed the cold object deeper into his neck, snapping out of his daze he replied

"Hyuga Neji." Neji looked up at her with a blank look as he watched her lower the cold object, to his dismay it was a glinting sharp Kunai knife.

Clambering off him she dusted her sweater and held a hand to him, looking away as she did so.
"C'mon stand up..." she muttered.

Neji gratefully grabbed her hand letting her hoist him up onto his feet. The nine year old boy was a bit cross as he was so easily pushed down, by a girl nonetheless.
"Who are you may I ask?" He looked at her as she turned her head slightly.

"Haruno Sakura...." she mumbled her voice soft, as she plunged one of  her hands into her sweater pockets and began pulling up her hood. Hiding her pink pastel hair she trudged back to the academy leaving Neji behind to wonder who the girl named Sakura really was.

Turning around Neji quickly went back to his classroom where his age group was.
"What an interesting girl..." he mumbled quietly as he took his seat.


The door was slammed open making a few heads turn to Sakura as she entered the room, Dark onyx eyes followed her as she approached him.

Sasuke looked up at her and sneered slightly "What do you want?" He muttered lowly making Sakura look at him hollowly.

"Sasuke-Kun! I brought you lunch!" Her face stretched into a fake smile as she slammed a bento box down onto his desk as she slid into the seat next to him.

Now he was freaking out she never calls him Sasuke-Kun

"What the hell is your problem?" He grunted as he pulled the lunch closer to him, turning his head to look at her she gave a happy smile.

"I just want to spend time with my darling Sasuke-kun!" She squealed. Narrowing her eyes and giving a large smile Sasuke was taken aback at her blatant love. Her blatant love

Sasuke inched away from her as she tried to cuddle up to him. He squirmed and finally punched her straight on her forehead making her toppled backwards hitting her head on the sharp corner of the desk.

Sasuke's eyes widened a fraction as he saw her head slam against the corner as blood started to drip down her head matting her hair into a dirty red. She looked at him with glassy eyes before standing up and covering her head with her hood. Shoving her hands in her pockets she walked out of the classroom, a few children's head turned to her but quickly shrugged it off.

Sasuke struggled to understand what the hell just happened but he locked it in the back of his thoughts as he focused on the lecture, yet he found himself unconsciously looking towards the door for a head of pink.

Sakura never came back to class that day.


Neji was walking around the Hyuga compound as he watched the sun set casting a lovely orange in the sky until he heard it, quiet sobs. "Must be Hinata-Sama." He muttered rolling his eyes as he walked over to the sound, it was emitting from behind a bush.
Reaching for the branches he opened his mouth "Hina-......ta?" His voice failed him at the sight he saw, Sakura was sitting there covered in blood with small tears stained red dripping down her chin.

"Ah.....Neji....san..." she mumbled as she tried to get up but her legs failed her making her fall straight to the ground again. Neji rushed over to her and carefully picked her up cradling her, surprised by how skinny and frail she was.

"Are all girls this weak?" He muttered under his breath as he pressed her body to his, carrying her to the branch home of the Hyuga compound.
Sakura looked down as her hair shadowed her face, dull green eyes looking at her bloody hands.

Of course

All she was






Her body trembled as she hugged herself, her mind echoing with maniacal laughter, she had to be stronger! Stronger then any other. She could prove all of them wrong.

In time

She will prove to them

She isn't a murderer.

But wasn't she? She was going to be a shinobi

Were shinobi not murderers too?

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