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The world will always
Curse the good
And provide the wicked
Showering with lies
To give the good
The harder coin in life.

Sakura POV

I was sitting beneath this large Cherry blossom tree a small plate of dango beside me, a large sketchpad on my lap. I could see all the ants that crawled the dirt ground and see the crevices that twisted and turned on the bark of the tree.

My long pink hair fluttered in the light breeze as the brilliant blue sky loomed up above my head but I couldn't find the heart to see anything that was made of colour.
I can see the colour red
Such a
Disgusting colour
So thick


I know what people say, about the incident with my father. I still don't get it because he was a loving man, a proud father and the best hero I could ever want. So why? WHY DID HE HAVE TO DO THAT?! Why.....did I have to KILL him?! I loved him so much he-he was my papa! The man who protected me and cared for me.

The warm feeling of trickling tears sweeping down my face was evident as I reached up and tried to wipe them away. It was of no use because they kept pouring like a steady rainstorm on a spring day. So I cried, wept into my hands feeling hopeless.
My mother hates me, thinks im the monster and my father is dead.... All I have is. Myself.

"Sakura?" His voice fluttered in the air as I looked up, my neck making a small crack sound at how fast I whipped my head. "Sakura, it will be alright soon enough.." Itachi whispered as he picked me up. The feeling of being in his arms made me feel..... Safe? Loved? I don't get it because I have only met him once.

Burying my face in his pale neck and wrapping my small five year old arms around his neck I closed my eyes and thought back to the night I killed my father, he walked making it seem like I was in a rocking boat like the one my father brought me on.


Little sakura was holding her fathers hand as they both swung their arms happily, walking down the cobblestoned street to the old fishing dock.  Kizashi picked his darling three year old daughter and placed her on his shoulders so she can see the beauty of the sea.

"Whoa otou san! Its so pretty!" She was amazed as she reaches her chubby little hands to reach the beautiful glowing green blue sea.

"Yes it is my adorable Hime..." He chuckled as he smiled proudly.

"Otou san! Whats beyond that sea?!" Sakura giggled as she clutched his darker pink hair.

"Out there in that horizon is called "Adventure!" He shouted happily "my dream once was to become an amazing ninja and I was! I was a ninja once in a lifetime but when I met your mother I knew I needed a closer and safer job." He looked up to his daughter.

"But why?" Sakura asked tilting her head, pink locks waving in the breeze.

"Because, I wanted to be the first one you saw at home everyday, I quit my ninja career because I wanted to see your smile and laugh, every day of my life." He gave her a closed eyed smile which made her giggle and hug her fathers head.

"Its because I love you and Your mother so much I would give my life to protect the ones I love..." He looked off to the golden horizon as he relished in the feeling of the sea breeze washing him and his daughter in its beauty.

"I want to be a ninja!" Sakura smiled determined

"And I will support you my little cherry blossom.." Kizashi ruffled his daughters head as they sat down on the boat admiring the place they called their home.


The feeling of a soft mattress hit my skin as I opened my eyes, the blurry images slowly focusing and I saw Itachi leaning over me placing a pure white blanket to cover me.

"Ah...gomen did I wake you up little Sakura?" Itachi asked softly.

"No you didn't I....was just remembering something important.." I smiled and he tilted his head.

"Oh? Was it a dream?"

"Kind of....hey Itachi-san?" I looked at him "Could you train me...to become a ninja?" I asked quietly averting my eyes. I was afraid so very afraid he would say no but then I felt a warm hand ruffle my hair.

"Of course... You want to be strong? I can see you will be a very strong kunoichi of the leaf" he smiled slightly making me smile as my hair covered my eyes.

Hopefully he couldn't see my tears, the small tears that dripped down my smiling face.

"Thank you Itachi-san...." I whispered

He ruffled my hair once again before I heard him leave the room. Oh yes the room! I looked up to see Tatami matted floor and a beautiful wooden desk off to the side, a small bed, which I was laying on, that had black covers and a soft white blanket.
A brown mahogany dresser was in front of the bed and a bamboo plant rested in the corner of the room. A large mirror and finally a small chair in front of the desk.

I looked around to see a window that showed the sky, the dark sky with the endless amount of stars gazing at me the same way I was gazing at them.

Looking around again I noticed there was a plate of dango and my sketchpad on the desk so I got up sliding down the bed, and walking over to the sketchpad.

There on the first page was a sketch of my father.

He looked so proud and bold, that picture may be the only remainder of what my father was

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He looked so proud and bold, that picture may be the only remainder of what my father was. Soon the page was getting dotted with small watermarks and I realized I was crying again.

"I miss you.....otou-san..." Whispering to myself I landed on my knees and wrapped my arms around myself to hide within the walls of my heart.
And then in the room I cried.
I poured out my feelings and I cried

Cried for the loss
Cried because of my guilt
Cry for the pain
And cry because I love you

Father please....
I need you right now
I cry because I miss you
I hope to see you soon
And I will make you proud of me.

Broken Petals {Sakura Haruno}Where stories live. Discover now