Chapter 1- Meeting Squid

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Stampy POV

        I raced down the halls, dodging in and out of approaching students. "Pardon me!"   "Sorry!" I said. I kept on running, seeing that I only had one minute till the bell would ring. I nearly ran straight past my locker, but I skidded to a halt and quickly entered the combination. The door swung open and I grabbed my stuff for first period English. My class was just across the hall   . "Easy enough," I thought. I started to walk across the hall, but that's when I ran straight into Ash. 

        "Hey, Nerd! What do you think your doing?" He said. Ash was one of the most popular kids in the school, and he also had the reputation of being one of the meanest kids in the school too. 

        "I'm sorry, I was just trying to get to room 208." I said. It was really more of a half whimper. I had heard stories about Ash, and I didn't want to be part of one.

       "You should watch where you're going, Dork!" Ash whispered in a condescending, and domineering way. 

        "I'm really sorry!" I tried to say convincingly.

        "Well I'm not!" He yelled. He then pushed me into my locker, making me drop all of my books. Paper was flying everywhere and no one was offering to help. I sadly excepted the fact that I would be late to class and started picking up my papers. 

      "Hey mate, do you want some help?" I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw a friendly face looking down at me. He had a thick Yorkshire accent, and blond hair. 

     "Yes please! Thank you so much!" I said graciously. He smiled, then bent down and started picking up my papers. We were soon finished and I had all my papers together. "Thank you," I said.

       "No problem, that guy Ash can be a jerk sometimes, don't let him bother you." He said. "My name's David, by the way, but every one calls me Squid."

         "Thanks again, Squid! I'm Stampy."


        "Yeah," I said kind of awkwardly.

         " Nice meeting you Stampy!" Called Squid as he walked down the hall, in the opposite direction.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I forgot to mention that this is the Magic Animal Club in real life. I hope you will continue reading this story!

>:D River

P.S. The sign before my name is an evil smiley face. If you tilt you head you can see it.

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