Chapter 17 - At Least it's Friday!

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Sqaishey POV 

I woke up to the terrifying sound of Emily's alarm clock at seven a.m. I slowly peeled open my eyes to see the bright sunlight of Friday morning. Ugh, mornings. At least it's Friday! Woot woot! Emily was already getting dressed when I caught her eye. "Morning Beth!" She said happily.

"Good morning to you too!" I replied.

"Hey, umm, Beth. Where were you really last night?" Em asked. She sounded very skeptical. Why did you have to ask that? You were great last night. No questions, no nothing. 

"I told you, I was at my house." 

"But first you said you were at a friends house?" Em's eyebrows raised, "I didn't say anything last night because you looked like you just got home, you were panting, and your hair was all messed up!" She shrugged, and I shrugged too.

"I don't actually see why you should care?" I said. Is it too early for sass? Never. I started to climb up slowly.

"I'm your best friend Beth, I should care." She paused for a moment, before inhaling sharply. "I know why you don't want to tell me!" Emily exclaimed excitedly. I quickly got dressed after hearing that.

"Why then?" I said.

Emily responded while doing her excessive amounts of makeup, "You were with a boy, were you not?"  

She was half right I suppose. I was fully dressed and I wanted to put an end to this conversation. I quickly combed my hair, pulling out half of it while doing so. Ouch! I don't want to tell her because she would judge me for liking someone like Stampy. Yeah, sure, he's not an athlete, or very popular, but he's still perfect. Although, if she really was my best friend, she would be fine with whoever I liked. I guess I can tell her then. "You caught me!" I said, holding my hands up.

"Really? Who?" Asked Emily, maybe a bit too excitedly. 

"You probably don't know him," I said.


"His name is Joseph Garret and-" I was cut off.

"Beth! He's a nerd!" She exclaimed, "not even a cute one!" I didn't say this, but, screw you, Emily! Stampy is, in fact, very cute.

"Why does that matter?" I asked.

"He's not popular, you can't like him." Emily was starting to raise her voice. 

"Well, I do!" I confessed. I was nearly shouting. 

"I thought you liked being popular, and now you want to toss everything down the drain!" Emily was shouting now. I genuinely hate being popular, and I would rather spend my time with Stampy, than anyone popular. 

"You're supposed to be my best friend, Emily. You should be supportive!" Ha! take that Em!

"No, I'm not supportive about you liking a nerd!"

"I don't care that he's a nerd," I said. Quite nonchalantly.

"I'm not friends with people who hang out with nerds!" Shouted Emily.

"I guess we're not friends then." I shrugged calmly. 

"Not anymore!" Emily marched out, of her own room, may I add, and slammed the door behind her. Officially screw you. I don't care. I really like Stampy. Speaking of which! I left Emily's house while I called Stampy. I waited as my phone rang, and finally, he picked up.

"Morning Sqaishey!" Stampy said cheerfully. I was so happy to hear his voice.

"Hey Stamps!" I replied. "Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! Like a log." I laughed. "Do you want to walk to school together?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, sure!" Ermm, he can't pick me up here, or at my house. Gosh, this is confusing. "I'll meet you at the corner of First and Main street, okay?" I said. It's kind of close, but not really.

"See ya there!" Agreed Stampy. We hung up and I started walking.

Hey Guys! How's life? Tomorrow is election day in America! If you don't live in the U.S. you're safe, but if you do live in the U.S. Run while you still can! I'm kidding. Anywho! I'll update soon! I hope you enjoyed this chapter written on the final day of America, as we know it!

>:D River

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