1. || chronicles of a fallen love

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[ BOOK COVER TIPS : tutorial ]

{ REMINDER: please, make sure to give credit always to me and/or whoever I say I got the idea or anything else from. Failure to complete this action will lead to me probably yelling at you calmly unless you are rude about it, so please, don't be rude about it and just give credit. }


i. Open a black background and your texture image as the foreground. Place as desired, mess around with the hue, and then merge. 

ii. Open your first image of your subject and place them at the top of the cover. Use the gradients and brushes under the mask tab to erase as desired and then merge.

 Use the gradients and brushes under the mask tab to erase as desired and then merge

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iii. Open your other PNG of your person and place them at the bottom of the cover. Adjust as desired and then merge and save. Filter the image and open in Phonto. 


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iv. Add your text in phonto and then open back in Superimpose. Open the original filtered photo as the background and your text image as the foreground. Use the brush to erase any text that overlaps the person on the bottom, merge, save, and you're done! Feel free to add any other textures by putting them on screen as desired.



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{ FONT : Couture Bold }

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{ FONT : Couture Bold }


first tutorial, yay! how do you guys like the video? I personally have fun making them (just so I can show you guys my music lmao) but don't expect them every chapter. I'll only include it when I find it useful or necessary.

question: since it's the first day of october, what are you planning on going as for halloween?

question: since it's the first day of october, what are you planning on going as for halloween?

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