{ REMINDER: please, make sure to give credit always to me and/or whoever I say I got the idea or anything else from. Failure to complete this action will lead to me probably yelling at you calmly unless you are rude about it, so please, don't be rude about it. }
i. Open a white image as the background and your first image of your person as the foreground (make sure it's good quality). Place to the side as desired and then merge and save. Open in polarr and add a filter that you like. Save again.
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ii. Open back in Superimpose as the background and the color you want to use as the foreground. Put the image on an overlay mode you like best (I used hard light) and use the gradient tool under the mask tab. Use the gradient to where it just covers the background. Don't worry that much about the person yet. Merge when done.
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iii. Upload the same colored image that you just used as the foreground and put it on screen. Use the gradient tool once again and the soft brush to erase areas over the person you don't want. I usually focus on keeping the color off of the skin, but it's not a big deal; it's a personal preference. Merge when done.
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