Chapter 9

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Cal peaks his head through the door, " hey guys " he laughs. Jesse is more excited then I am and goes up and gives him a bro hug! I ran up and gave him the biggest hug. " I'm only here for an hour and then I have to go back to America, unfortunately the university doesn't allow us to to stay out for more then three days, yolo " he says to us laughing. I could see the awkwardness between cal and Caityy but they sat down next to each other and seemed to me having a nice chat. We went back to our seats, fangirling about what had just happened. The principal comes up and starts to introduce the awards. At half way time, I hadn't gotten any awards, cal and Caityy had left and Jesse had gotten award. Jesse got do the ' not changed a bit award " which was perfect for him because he hadn't changed a bit since year seven. One of the girls in my class got a ' most likely to instagram this event award ' I think everyone laughed at that one. I ended up being the last one to be said, i got the ' has already succeeded ' I didn't know what that meant, but our principal explained that I have already started to follow my dreams and I'll be something big. I smiled and sat down.

The actual graduating part happened right after I got my award, we all went onstage and sang a song and did some things then showed a long film of our lives at high school, growing over the years and then we all stood onstage and threw our hats in the air. Some got stuck in the lights but we all had balloons cover us and confetti. We laughed and smiled and hugged everyone. Jesse came up to me in centre stage, I gave him a hugged and then he kisses me. A spreading of ' awhhs ' goes around the area. We begin to laugh, then I grab his hand and walk back to a line, " the class of 2018 " the principal says and we all grab hands and bow. We all get certificates, then go to our families. " happy graduation " both families say to me as I walk out the door. I get hugs from both Jesse and my family making me lose grip of his hand.

" I feel loved " I say to everyone getting laughs back. " you've just graduated aishi " my little brother says to me creating tears in his eyes. I grab him close and hug him tight " don't make me cry " I say to him. " don't make her cry " Jesse says following. I punch him in the stomach and he grabs me and hugs me. I pull my little brother in and we have a group hug. " even though I will be at university doesn't mean I won't visit " I say to him looking him right in the eye. Before we leave, I go around to pretty much all the teachers with Jesse's hand in mine. All the teachers knew about us, I mean we had just been together six years. I hug each and everyone one of them then get in the car, losing contact of Jesse's hand. " have a good party tonight At Eleanor's, Jesse will be over at six to help you choose what to wear and then your parents are dropping both of you off and we are picking you up at what 12:30? " Jesse's mum says, I nod my head and jump in the car waving goodbye to Jesse

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