Chapter 8

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School was average, I was too happy to do anything. I went to my teachers and told them I was in and so was Jesse. They gave me lots of hugs, the day was pretty much a celebration day where we had an oval party and a DJ. At around lunchtime, I walked with Jesse down to the canteen to get a slushie as it was hot. He was in shorts and a Tshirt and I was in jeans, I had a reason to be hot and him hugging me wasn't helpful but oh well. " I can't believe we got into the same university " he says to me when we get to the canteen. " yeah and the university of Melbourne is also a hard one to get into, there are no other year twelve students going, just us! " I say back moving up to the front of the line. " can I please have a small slushie " I say to the canteen lady handing her my change. She comes back 30 seconds later with a raspberry slushie, " thank you " I say taking it from her hand and getting a straw, Jesse gets a straw too immediately taking a sip of my slushie. " where were we " he says taking the cup from my hand. " gimme that " I say snatching it back. " you meanie " he says to me. * humf * " let's just go sit down " he says to me sipping at least half of the slushie. We walk up to the top oval and play a bit of footy for the rest of lunch, well that's what I did, Jesse sat on the side, watched me, played on his kohen and drank the remains of my slushie.

After lunch we had an assembly getting us ready for tomorrow, nothing important, actually pretty boring for both me and Jesse. After school, I picked up my bag and cleaned out my locker. Mum was coming to pick me and Jesse up and take us home. " so whats the go for tomorrow, there's so much happening tomorrow, I just don't understand " Jesse asks me, ripping up some old math sheets and chucking them out. " well we wear uniform to school, there's an award ceremony, then we graduate, throw those hats in the air, we then have the rest of the day off but I'm going around to say one last goodbye to my teachers " " I'll come! " Jesse rudely interrupts. " okay and then afterwards Eleanor is throwing a graduation party so we kinda have to dress up " I say laughing. " oh and then Saturday we have a gradation party amongst you and my family " I say finishing off my locker and closing it, unlocking it and storing it in my schoolbag. " sounds like it will be a difficult two days " he says shyly.

I nod my head, he grabs his lock and my mums car beeps, I pull him and walk down to the car.

The next day was clearly the graduation day, the morning was normal, I got ready but I didn't pack lunch or bring a bag, all I brought was my phone and my school hat. Lunch was provided. My parents drove me to school as both mine and Jesse's parents wanted to watch just like all the parents. When I saw Jesse, I gave him a big hug and kissed him. " today's the day " I say to him. We both laugh and I grasp his hand. We walk to where the year twelves were sitting, I looked around and saw Jesse and my parents talking, I was really happy to see how well they got along. I nudged Jesse and pointed that way, he laughed. I love his laugh<3 I kept looking around, I looked at the door and saw everyone piling through but then the most amazing thing happen, my best friend piled through that door too, Caityy met eyes with me and I got up, stepped on Jesse's toe and raced to her, I gave her a huge hug. Jesse came after me and we had a little group hug. " what are you doing here " I say to her happily. " I had to see you guys at the award ceremony, I'm only here for this and then I have a plane back to Italy in two and a half hours, so I have to leave early " she smiles back. " well we better hug you right now " I say hugging her tight. Jesse and I keep smiling, we soon had to stop hugging her so we walked back to our seat. Then I hear another familiar voice.

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