You are mature people

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Anushka's POV

            I felt really lazy when I got up in the morning like someone broke my bones😷 may be because of slept in the couch

But all were washed up when I saw my prince sleeping on the bed, his head was by my side. He looked like he is a free bird in the world. Then I slowly went near the bed and caressed his stubble slowly😌. First a small smile was formed in his face then he get up with the good morning he too looked so lazy like me, what a similarities between us?

"Good morning Mandy" he said while yawning

"Good morning" I said while watching his every little moves

"Why are you staring at me like this"? He asked me

"No, I just found one thing" I replied

"Oh really? Then let me know that thing" he asked

"Devil" I screamed
He was all ready to run, at my sudden change, may be he was frightened😟

"Why did you screamed now Anushka?" He asked me clutching his fist in annoy 😡

"I found a devil" I said in a panic tone😧

"But where?" He asked me seriously, and yeah he was shocked and messed

"In your face, cheseeeeee" I replied and burst into laughter😂
He was irritated so much, but he seemed like hurt too

"Hey, what happened? I was just Kidding man, come on, cheer up!" I said
But he suddenly started to laugh

"I know Mandy, you are kidding and you know? What will this devil do?" he asked sarcastically while coming an inch forward. oh my god, what is that, I didn't expect, he pulled me on top of him. That's it,we were just rollover each other in the bed. And beating each other.

"Youuuu pretended to be hurt viratttt, good acting " I said while he was tucking my hair from my face one by one. Actually he was on top of me and I was beneath him.

"Yeahhhhh, well. did you understand about this devil?" he said with devilish smirk on his face.

"Mmmm, my dear devil" I replied while caressing his beard.🤗

"Then fine, now stop your all sarcasm and tell why did you stared at me like that?" He asked me while looking into my eyes

"Hey, you are on top of me and I'm lifting your whole body weight. It's really painful." I said with a pout  actually tried to change the subject.

"Okay sorry, now tell!" He implored while he turned and made me on top of him.

"Ahh, why? Shouldn't I stare at you? At my devil? There are so many girls are staring and speaking about you dangerously" I replied while looking another direction.
He chuckled and said "okay, you can, I'm only belongs to you, and don't worry no one can or would take me away from you " he said in an assuring tone.

I don't know what happened to me suddenly, tears started to stream down my face.😭
He was taken aback by my behavior, he felt really bad for me.

"What happened Anu?" He asked me worriedly. I didn't say anything instead I placed my head on his chest.  "Anu" "Anu" he called me again and again. I couldn't resist my fear inside me. I needed someone to share my feelings.

"Anushka? What happened now? Why are you crying? He asked me. I slowly took my head and wiped my tears and got up from the bed. "Nothing Virat, I just.." I tried not to answer his questions but he was an adamant like me. He pull me back, and locked me by his arms around me.

"Okay, I'll see you later, you go and take your shower, you would be hungry, and you have to meet my dad too" I said and tried to ignore his questions.

"Yeah I have remember, but first you answer my question"? He ordered me.

"Trust me, you will get your answer very soon, and please don't ask me about it again, this is my humble request" I pleaded him. He released his arms from me and let me go.

"Well, but I'm here for you and for always, whatever happened" he said in an assuring tone.

                                                                 I smiled at him and gave a bear hug then went to my room. I felt really bad for behaved with him like that but I needed some time. Then after I took my shower, I dressed quickly and went to the down. To my surprise, there was my mom,dad,brother and Virat.

"So Virat, how is your life going" my dad asked.

"It's going well sir" Virat replied.

They were talking some random things, then suddenly Virat spoke "Sir, I love your daughter truly"

There was a pin drop silence, no one utter a word😐, so I decide to make my appearance, I slowly come from the steps and sat besides my mom, and virat was opposite to me.

"Yeah, I know that you love her" my dad said simply

"We want to be with each other, and we want to be together, we hope you will understand sir" virat spoke

He sighed and said "right I don't have any problem with your love, this is your private life but as a dad I have many problems, you know, already all the news are only about both of you, do you think this is good?, you both are celebrities, aren't you afraid of ego problems? And you both are in different professions too, do you think this will work out or last long"

"Sir, I'm only afraid of losing the thing which is very close to me, and ego...I won't speak lie and I don't want to" Virat said

"Dad, whatever happens we will be together, believe us dad," I pleaded him

"I'm responsible for her, whatever happen because of me," Virat said

"I just said my worries,but you are mature people, so now I hope you will workout this successfully." Dad said while patting my shoulder

"Thank you sir" virat said happily and I hugged my dad cheerfully, everyone of my family were happy that day.

Let's live in peace ✌️😀
God bless you all and have a nice day 😊
And I have my exams, so there will be no updates till December😔
I'm sorry😑
And let me no, who are happy about Anushka's father approval?

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