Get ready

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Virat's POV

Everyone was very happy that day. But I know Ajay sir is not really happy and okay with this matter. He said ok only for his daughter. He didn't trust me fully. But I believed that I will win his heart.

                    I was lying on the bed after spoke with my mom. That time Anushka came and lied beside me. She looked soo tired and upset. So I just made some efforts to open her mouth and say something.

" was your day? How was your shoots? Why are you looking upset? I asked her.

But she just hummed to all my question. So I turn and lied to face her as she was thinking about something deeply by facing the ceiling.

As I nudged  her she waked suddenly and asked me "what happened boo?"

"Boo? What is it mean? Where did you shoot this? I asked.

"I like to say that booo boooo booo" she said while giggling. My mad woman 😶 how to describe you beauty? I thought my self  while watching her every moves.

"By the way, why are you looking upset? Did you lost anything?" I asked her.

"Am I? Lostttttttt.....hmmm....maybe coz you know, I recently lost my heart somewhere, to someone" she said while turning around to face me.

" seems someone's mood is swinging..... what is it?" I asked her.

"Nothing" she said and came too close to me but stopped abruptly as I gave her a confused 👀 look.

"What happened? Why are you looking like this? She asked and moved back annoyingly😡😑.

"No no nothing Mandy" I replied while removing the small pillow which was put between us. And pull her near me.

She smiled and gave a kiss 😘 on tip of my nose. " life changed a lot no? When we met for the first time, when I come to meet your family, when I proposed you, when I come to meet your dad, we came along way" as I say I was interrupted by her.

"Error you didn't propose me okay? You just said that I think I love you. That's it other wise you didn't gave me anything as a symbol for our love." She snapped me.
As she said that my face dropped but yes I didn't propose her that day coz I was tensed but I'm sure I will give her a big surprise.

"May be but you can't say that cheaply, even if I proposed with so much expectation you would only shout at me like that day," I said to defend myself.

"Hey don't try to defend your self" she said

"Ok ok no offends no defense, but for now you take this" I said and handover her the chain which I worn.

"Wow my lovely boy, thank you so much" she said and got up in the joy.

"But when you are going to meet my family? I asked. Her expression changed.

"Ah....well...we'll meet your family at the correct time." She said.

"At the correct time? Meaning? I mean what do you want to say now? It's really difficult to understand what are you saying even you speak directly now you are speaking indirectly. What do you saying finally?" I asked her.

"Hahaha it means when it meant to happen it will happen, do you understand?" She said.

"Hmm..whatever, are you ready to meet them, will you meet them or no? If you meet them once then we don't have to worry about anything in this world" I said.

"Of course ya, I'm gonna meet them, but I don't have to come Delhi! You know I don't have to travel that much distance, I can meet them here, in my place" she said.

" what? Anushka I warn you! Speak directly! I don't understand anything" I shouted.

"Haha wait and watch booo, come to the garden tonight 7.00pm. Get ready for the surprise!" She said.

"But now almost 6.00 no? What surprise? Tell me?" I asked.

"No no surprise is surprise if I revealed it now, is it a surprise? Ok I'll see you in the garden! If I stay here anymore then you will make me tired by answering your questions, so bye!" She said and got up to go.

"But leaving me like this is not fair" I replied. She turn around and sit back on the bed and said "I just waited for today and after this I will not worry or getting fear of anything."  I was unable to speak but understand that she want to do something so I gave up. Then suddenly her phone rang so she left the room.

Thanks 🙏
Hi! After so long time friends! Did anyone miss me? You did or not I did🤗
Ok. Now what are you thinking about that surprise?

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