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As I woke up from the sleep, To just find a Handsome guy standing in front of the mirror as brushing his hair. "Hey sleeping beauty, come let's go to the dinner, a special party for won the series. I can't let you sleep anymore! Get up! get up! You slept for long time! Actually what happened to you?" He blurted😐. "I want to sleep more" I murmured while get up. As I said he gave me a amused look.

After almost 30 minutes. we went to the place where the party was conducted. "See I got up after you but you took so long time to get ready like a girl" I said while we walking towards the place hand in hand. As we enter there, it was full of enjoyment as Boys were busy with their celebration while their partners celebrate themselves. Virat leave me with them and went to celebrate with the boys.

I was nervous around them so I just went and sat quietly beside Ayesha (Shikhar Dhawan's wife.) who was busy with the baby. She quickly turned and greeted me with the hug. "Hello Anushka I'm Ayesha"she said. "Hello, how are you doing?" I asked her. "I'm fine, how are you?" She asked me. "I'm doing great" I said. "What's your name champ?" I asked him while playing with his fingers. "His name is Zoravor" soon Shikhar joined while taking his baby from Ayesha.

"Hi Anushka" soon Radhika (Rahane's wife)and Tanya(Umesh Yadav's wife) joined with me with the hug "Hello" I said.
"You really look so pretty and beautiful, I can't believe this, I'm standing in front of you" Tanisha said. "Hey can we take some selfies?" Radhika asked. As I nodded they took selfies. "So a new member to this girls gang ha?" Ayesha said with the smile. "You know Anushka, here so many girls are trying to be like you" Prithi (Ashwin's wife) told. One hour over we became very closed and familiar.

After the celebration and the dinner everyone went back to their room. Because after this the test match will happen in Australia. "Did you enjoyed there company?" Via asked me. "Yeah I thoroughly enjoyed my time😬, hey why are you looking sad now?" I asked him while getting ready to go to the airport. But he said "Nothing you will leave me in one hour".

               "Aww my baby I will miss you" I said with the pout. "Hey can you come with me in the Australia tour, it will be perfect and we can enjoy our new year there" he said in full of excitement.  "Hmmm good idea! If you want so...I'll come with you" I said. As I said he quickly grabbed into his embrace and said "thank you Anushka"

Later we made our way to the airport. While he getting into the car he put his head phones on and said "You were soooooo nice in Jab Tak Hai Jaan" which made me to smile like an idiot.

Thanks to all this book readers who gave me the full support to write. And I don't know when will be the next update of this book or when will I come back to this amazing reading world but until 👋.



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