Last day

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I'm so sorry to update a boring chapter yesterday. I edited half of this chapter hope you like 😊

Anushka's POV

                 I felt relieved after spoke with Virat. But I felt insecure about him till that day but I put it in the garbage. After I spoke with him I went to my room and slept. peacefully.

                   Next day.......

Virat's POV

This was my last day in Mumbai with Anushka. We wanted to make it a memorable one so we went to a long ride around the city then we went to dinner and after it we back to home coz I had the flight at 8.00 pm.

First of all I didn't got ready to go so........

I'm not ready to go now......... Anu........... I frowned at her 😩

Really then don't go if you don't want....... She said in the same tune.

Ha....... Can you help me please.... I asked with the puppy face.

Yeah... sure why not? what do you need? Mr. Kohli she asked while rising her eye brows.
                 Can you help me in packing my clothes because you know I was busy yesterday so I couldn't pack it. I asked with the blank expression.

                                       She looked at me for a second then blinked her eyes and said lovely boy 😘
                                                                                                 I smiled and asked lovely boy ha?

Why aren't you a lovely boy? She asked me while folding one of my T-shirt

Of course I am. there is no doubt in that I said like a genius.😎

Fine you are ready now I almost folded all the T-shirts she said while she looked up to see me.

While she looked at me I sat beside her in the bed and put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her closely and asked so madam will you miss me like I do?😌

No I won't...... Because.,you will be always in my heart ☺ she said while she put her hand around my waist and place her head on my shoulder.

I smiled and said yeah.... But you know we should make it official by informing our parents no?

Yeah I will speak about this to my brother first he will help us. She said
                             You know one thing Anu? He knew about us.I said with out an interval.

                 She quickly got up from my shoulder and asked me What? How? When? In a panic tone.😨

I laughed at her facial expressions 😂 I know she got angry but I couldn't control my self not only laughed but also I fell on the bed and laughed like a maniac. Which made her tears in her eyes Oh god! 😟So I stopped before she cry.

No no Anu don't cry.. He knew about it in the morning when you were went for your shoot.

        What did he said? She asked like her exam result is coming up 😰

Don't worry Anu he is happy about us and told me to be happy with you. And said that He will be supportive for me to speak about this to your dad.
                                            Oh my god I totally forgot that you didn't even meet my dad. Thanks to you and my brother.😐

Okay just leave it. Let's make our precious time in a good way I said 🤗 while putting the pillow on top of the bed and lied.

Well....... you sleep I'll come later. As She said she gave me a kiss on my hand and  got up from the bed.

                                              But I didn't wanted to let her go so I grabbed her hand and made her to sit😋
                                                  But baby you know na? I don't want to sleep now. I said while in intertwining her fingers with me🙂
                   Then what do you want to do now? She asked me while placing her chin on her palm.
                                        Mmmmm...I want to talk with you...I want to pinch your cheeks and I want to do a lot of things with you like walking around the streets,eating our favorite dishes,drinking coffee.☺️
                                                               Really........ Me too but before this you have yo perform well in this IPL okay? Then come back to me, we can do these things which were mentioned by you and we'll also do what are not mentioned she said with the wink😉
                                                  I hugged her tightly and gave a kiss on her right eye 😘

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