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Virat's POV

It was an unexpected moment for all of us that Esha told Anu about our past. It didn't mean I don't want her to know about this but she told her before me. Everyone was curious about Anu's answer, and I felt really ashamed of that incident. That is when Anushka said "oh! That,Actually I knew, my gentleman had told me earlier about everything" looking at me , I can say she was hurt, she looked hurt yet she didn't show it in front of Esha or my family. Esha was shocked, everyone looked at me. At last Esha left in anger, and everyone left me,bro,and Anu alone.

"Anushka, we told Virat, not to talk about it, and reveal it to anyone as this is very private matter of our family.This happened actually a long time ago, and good to know he is genuine to his partner." Said my brother in proud of his brother and on the other side I was on my nerves. And he too went as it was late night. Then me and Anushka was standing alone. I went to talk to her, but she quickly walked towards our room. So I too followed her in the intention of apologizing.

And there she was folding her tees, so I locked our room and hugged her. She was surprised for a moment still she hugged me back.

"Nushkie, I am sorry..I should not hide it..but" as I was saying she interrupted"Why are you asking me sorry now? You did what your family asked! And after all it's your private and personal thing. And who am I to you?" breaking the hug. I realized how I had hurt her by hiding this.

"Hey there is nothing like that, you means...everything, promise yaar don't speak like this, you are my family. I can't think my life without you in future, Nush...look at my eyes, I tell you what happened, now sit here" I said and made her to sit.

"Today I lied, which I never wanted to do, and which I hate as well as you" she said looking straight in to my eyes. As she said it i replied "and it's because of me." Then i narrated her the whole story of how we became more close and how we were meant to each other officially by both of our families, then it ended.

"I don't have any connection, then why is she angry with me?" She asked me while leaning on my shoulder. "I hope, I'm not the reason for your break up" which made me surprised.

"I'm sorry" I said kissing her head. She looked up at pecked my lips. "Just forget it, and I don't want to sleep now, so..."

"So?, let's do something...hmm let's plan about our future" as she nodded and we both made ourselves comfortable in the bed, while I was leaned on the head board and Anushka was lying on my lap, I said"You know what, I am lucky to have you by my side, and on my lap" stroking her hair. She snuggled into me hugging my waist.

"But one doubt, why did you said like that" as I was saying she asked me "said like what?" "That my gentleman told me already."

"Oh! That yeah I should protect my boo na, I didn't want my boo to be insulted, and not for you" it made me to smile like an idiot. "See, you again coming to that point" she got up complaining, but I grabbed her quickly before she leave and with that force she fell on me, I rolled over her and said "okay I won't, sorry"

"No. you asked me, that we can plan our future but you again and again..." as she was saying that, I placed my lips on her lips, it was not a rough or passionate kiss, it was sweet and gentle. With that I got up laid beside her. We intertwined our fingers together. "Okay,what is your plan in future," I asked playing with her fingers.

"Hmm..first I should construct a new house,where I can share my rest of the life with my dear husband and my kids" I listened to her carefully. And said"okay let's go and see the places where you can see and share your life with me and our kids" she blushed but she hide it😋

"Okay beside that, how many kids you want to have?" I asked her caressing her cheek. She quickly replied"fifty" for. Moment I was taken a back, but she burst out in laugh. "Look your face, don't get afraid, Actually I like to be a mom,I want to take care of them, and guide them. And I hope, I will be a good mom." She said sincerely. I watched her facial expressions and actions, calmly. She turned to my side and asked me"what is your plan in near future?"

"Hmm, spending my life time with my wife and kids", she smiled and hugged me. Soon she pulled apart at my question,"you should come with me to London, to watch tennis match semis, will you?"
"Okay, but I should ask and inform Ritika, plus you too should come with me to the vogue beauty awards, they won't telecast what is happening inside but you will have to pose with me for the shutterbugs at the red carpet." I thought for a minute then I accepted her request. " then?" "Then, you will be busy with your test in SriLanka and I'll be in Europe."

"Okay, now sleep, the time is already 1.30am, come lets sleep" I said putting the comforter over us, but she replied"I don't want to sleep now, you sleep, I'm in no mood" she tried to get up nut I didn't let her, I put my arms around her waist firmly, nuzzling my face in her neck, "At least let me go to the washroom!" She groaned so I let her, and she too walked over to the washroom, I shouted "come soon, Mandy I'll be waiting for you, don't stay there long time" making her to roll her eyes.After sometime Nishki's phone rang, it was from her mom, so I picked up the call, and talked with her.

Anushka's POV
I excused myself from him and slipped into the washroom. Not a second tears stream down from my eyes. I was hell sad about the incident, but I didn't show it when she asked me, I was shocked and disappointed. Though I was shocked I protected him, but no longer I couldn't act like unaffected, so I came inside but soon I heard a knock on the door, Virat shouted that mom is on the line, so I washed my face quickly and went out to speak with her. After speaking with her for half an hour,I went to sleep.


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