will you be with me?

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Sorry guys i had to edit alot of things here, coz i found a lot of spelling errors....
Here, we go...
Anushka's pov

What can i do? Why it always happen to me? I was lost in my own world but i should accept this. I had to support Virat through this, i had to stand by him, whatever happens we should fight againts this. I was thinking all these things and in real Virat was saying all these things, wow it is really a coincidence, that is when the phone rang, it was Dhoni, they called us, as we had to catch up our flight.

Virat's pov
Mahi bro told us to come there as we all should catch our flight. And i had to ensure that in any case Anushka should not get hurt more that this.

"Anushka can we go, we are only left, all are ready" i said calmly.

"Yeah i packed all the things, we can go, give me a few minutes" she said,and went to get ready. So i was left alone in the balcony, and i could not think anything my head ached and more than that my heart too. I do not know, how to express it, a few minutes later she came back and i went to get ready and after it we both went together with the team to the airport.

After the arrival............

Virat's pov

We safely landed in Mumbai but when we made our way to our car was such a difficult situation for both of us as there were lot of question were raised as we walked out. But we just held each other hand and ignored all the question, but i swear the questions that arose there, were not asked us before, actually it was really a proud moment for me to hold her hand and come in front of this world. Somehow we got it to the car and arrived in her apartment.

We both went inside her home holding each other hands but there i did not lead her, she lead me to her room in a rush, coz there her dad,mom,brother,cousins,aunt,uncle,niece also..but she did not even show her face to them but she did not even allow me to talk with her parents, she directly dragged me to her room. The headlines, social medias, tv news all were saying INDIA LOSEN THE WORLDCUP, ANUSHKA SHARMA IS THE REASON BEHIND VIRAT KOHLI'S POOR PERFOMANCE.

Sometimes later Anushka's mom came and asked us to join the dinner. But Anushka said she does not feel like eat any thing therefore she suggested me to take dinner, seriously look at this girl's dare,

"Anushka stop doing this, come, lets go" her cousin said dragging her from the bed to the dyning hall. But she finally accept and come along with us. They tried alot to make her happy, they cheered alot that day and finally they won in that. It had been 2 weeks since that incident happened and i got my Anu back, a joy ful girl, who has the power to lights up my mood.we planned to go back to Delhi, as we planned to meet my family.

It was a night flight therefore we can avoid the meadia attentions, so she was in her film shoot wrap up party. While i got sometime to spend some times with her family and that is when her brother emotionally broke down and said " Virat, i know even if she is being as before, it has affected her much, and moreover she has some problems within her which is still not known by her, and she would hesitate her self, actually she has anxiety problem,I am sorry to say and i know you will but take care, and give her some affection and love and support, she is still a baby for all of us, we know she is a strong woman and she will fight back, but still..i just wanted you to know."

I was shocked to know that she has been fighting with this problem since along time lonely, my respect for her reached another level. I felt so proud of her, i was emerged in to my own cloud, that is when my clouds scattered while her dad said" actually we were afraid that if anything would happen to Anu their, was she okay there? Only you can give her what she need Virat i hope you understand, today we spoke with your mom, when is your flight?"

"Ah...on 11 o clock sir...i understand, i will not leave her alone anymore,she is my life, people doing these things will not affect us sir, hope you understand and this things only will  make our relationship more stronger than ever, i think now you can be yourself freely, do not worry, i am with her." I said with half smiling.

"Well she is coming yaa.."her cousin Anjali, came announcing, so we made our self freely, therefore we can avoid those awkward moments, so his dad sat like scrolling the phone, while her mom was reading the newspaper, but what can we do? So i just started the topic with her brother "how was your work...." as i say Anushka came and sat beside me with a sigh. "Hi everyone", "hi" we said in a union. "Have you prepared?" She asked me. While dialling her manager Ritika. "No, i just wake up yaar, let's do it " i said while yawning, that is when her mom went to the kitchen as she is going to prepare the dinner, while her dad excuse himself, and her brother went with her cousin in talk.

"Hmm...so how was your day?" I asked her inching closer to her while interwining our fingers.

"It was okay...nothing special...Ranveer did alot...which just disturbed me a little bit,"

"Why? What happened?"

"Nothing...hm..okay there was a little tiff between Zoya and him"

"Well, okay let me give you some charge.." to which she gave me an amused look. I got up from my seat and stretched my hands. "Didn't you go to the gym today?" She asked me. "Excuse me" i snapped her and take a look at the surrounding and with the confirmation no one is there i took her in my arms. She was unaware about this. "Hey, what are you doing?" Asked me while giggling. "Hey did we came here so soon?" she asked while put her cute pout. "If you want mandy i can carry you for my whole life" i said in a dramatic tone, "oh baby, i love you" she replied kissing my lips. I placed her down while she continue her work of kissing me. We pulled apart and she went to pack her bags while she was busy in packing i hugged her from behind. "Arrey, what yaar...what got in to your mind...today" she asked me. "Charging you" i replied. She turn to my side and looked into my eyes and shook her head in denial. "What?" I asked her "nothing...will you be with me forever? I am really afraid what will happen if i lost you? Actually i have anxiety problem, i do not want to hide anything from you...Virat i try a lot but..."

"shushhh...i am here with you, i will be yours only..but do not think like you are alone... i am also with you, and, you and me are same for me, and if anything affect you, it will also affect me Anu, undersrand..okay" i said hugging her.


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