Mom part 2

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Houses with mold, dealing with depression and 2 young boys at the age of 20, and that's what my mother had to go through.

My real father on the other hand was suicidal when he was young, and that's about all I was told.

My mom, the person to help me through everything that was hard for me and trying to get me out of the house but not putting me under pressure, which seemed to be almost impossible.

I'm amazed my mom didn't kill herself sometimes with all the things she had to go through, but that only shows how strong she is, but on the other hand when she gets depressed it's worse and she has more problems to deal with.

When my mom was 5 to 14 she was getting molested by her grandmother, at 18 she got kicked out of her own home and  got an apartment and a boyfriend, at 19 because of our family being able to get pregnant easy she got pregnant and had a child who's father was very happy with and didn't want anymore kids after the first one.

With the first child they were quiet and didn't like being touched to much, but was easier then some children.

A year later she had gotten pregnant again with another boy, which her husband was not the most happy about but wasn't to vocal about, but after the second was born my mother tried breast feeding which when she was to feed the second child on the left he would make her bleed by biting her, and was very clingy and had seizures from time to time.

In the end her first husband left her and she was left on her own and her own parents didn't even give care at that point.

She got by and dated some people along the way but none of them stayed for to long.

She was home schooling her 2 boys and tried to show them that they can be whoever they want to be and they don't have to follow what everyone else dose if they don't want to.

After home schooling for 1 year she put them in school, but for the second child it was hard for them since they new math to about up to grade 7 when they were in grade 1, and about a couple of years before hand she new they both had autism, which made sense since there father had it as well.

3 years later she met my father, and had a dream one night about having me, she ended up marrying him and about 5 weeks later got a divorce after she had told him she was pregnant.

At this point my mother was scared of my father and didn't want to stay in the city she was in, so she moved, but she wasn't getting help from her grandmother then.

She moved into a small house and had a home birth, she now had 2 boys and baby girl, about 1 week after giving birth she made a couple of friends and started going to meetings with people that had also home schooled or had a home birth, and a little later she met my step dad, they dated for 4 years and then got married, but when they first met she ended up moving into a house with mold which now to this day she gets sick every winter.

After getting married, her new husbands parents hated her and even moved out of the city, which didn't really mater at the time.

After getting married she put her 5 year old daughter into school, which was amazing for her very soon to be anti-social daughter, 1 year later and her daughter was in french schooling and on the first day the teacher hater her, I don't know why she hated me for if it was she hated kids or something but from there it was a downward spiral, the 2nd child was getting beat up at school and the 3rd was starting to wet her bed at night and became much more quiet and anti-social, but the 1st was as he always was, quiet and calm.

3 months into the year her daughter had made a friend much older then her but they were like sisters, a sister who had to bring the me back to class when I would hide in the washrooms and start having panic attacks.

2 months pasted and the teacher was slowly being found out about and what was going on, it was hard to watch for my mom so she pulled me out of the school after trying to report the teacher, after that I was put in school after school and sometimes home schooled.


I'm going to stop here since I don't have much time left to write, but  I hope this is better then the last chapter.

see you later peeps!

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