The Same But Different

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Barry and Caitlin arrive at Barry's parent's house. "It's weird coming back here. It never felt like home," Barry commented as they walked into his room. "Home was always with you,". "Well, now my home is your home and it's not my home, it's our home. Together," Caitlin replied softly. They quickly gathered Barry's stuff and took it down to Caitlin's car.

They were about to leave when Barry's parents entered the house. "Mom, Dad," Barry greeted coldly grabbing Caitlin's hand. Caitlin squeezed his hand to comfort him knowing he really didn't want to see his parents. "Son, it's good to see you got out," Barry's dad replied. "I see you and Caitlin are back together. I always thought you two were made for each other," Barry's Mom said. "We're getting married," Caitlin commented trying to make the conversation more pleasant. "That's great, I hope that we're invited. I know that we haven't been the best parents but we do want to make up for it. We missed you," Barry's Mom replied. "Of course you're invited, we really should get going, though," Caitlin smiled.

The two of them got in the car. "Are you okay?" Caitlin asked softly, not letting go of Barry's hand. "Yeah, I just wanna go home. I just want to spend more time with you," Barry replied. "Okay, we can watch a movie. We can order some pizza," Caitlin agreed.

They snuggled up on the sofa and waited for their pizza to arrive. They couldn't start the movie till it arrived. it was one of the weird things that they do when they watch movies. They always shared a large pepperoni pizza, Caitlin always ate the right side of the pizza while Barry ate the left. Caitlin would always sit on the right side of Barry so she could snuggle into him. This is what they did every time they watched a movie and the time they spent apart hadn't changed that.

"I've missed this," Caitlin commented. "What?". "This. You and me. Together, just like we should," Caitlin replied. Soon enough, the pizza arrived which was as delicious as always. They started the movie which was a very good movie. As the credits rolled Barry noticed that Caitlin was sound asleep. She usually was when they finished their movie. It was starting to get late. A lot of things had changed but Caitlin hadn't.

Barry picked her up bridal style and put her in bed and lay down beside her. Wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep.

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