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It was the start of an amazing honeymoon in The Maldives. The small islands were the perfect romantic destination for the newlyweds. They had rented their own beachfront house where they could relax, no work or Cisco walking in all the time. Right now, the young couple was eating breakfast and watching the low morning tide come in. It was their first morning there of their two-week honeymoon and after arriving the previous evening they immediately used the king size bed, and not for sleeping.

They hadn't been there long but already they were enjoying themselves. And each other's company. In their time apart they had often wondered whether they would ever make it here. Caitlin sipped at her coffee, intensely staring at her husband who was doing the same. It felt strange that they were husband and wife, mostly because they'd been dating for a year then they were apart for five years then they were engaged and then married. Of course, they loved being married and to be honest it didn't change much between them. They always knew that they'd get married someday and they'd been living together ever since Barry returned from prison. 

"Hey Snowy," he teased.

"You do realize that my last name isn't Snow anymore so you can't call me that, Mr. Allen," she replied, raising her eyebrows.

"You're right, Mrs. Allen," he laughed.

It felt quite strange. That was the biggest change. To be honest, Caitlin hadn't truly ever felt a part of her family because her mother left and her father didn't accept her boyfriend who was now her husband. Although Barry never felt a part of his family either. They were two misfits who belonged together. Now they were a family, a family that finally shared a last name. Now they had their own little family, one that will grow sometime in the future.

"I think you're enjoying this way too much,"

"So what if I am. Your my wife so you'll just have to deal with it because you love me, quirks and all,"

"Yes, I do love you, now come here you adorable dork," she giggled before kissing him. The kiss lasted several seconds but soon ended. "I'm gonna go shower," she whispered.

"Want some company?"

She didn't reply but just walked up the stairs still watching him with a flirty smile. Her eyes were much darker than usual and she looked pretty bad-ass. When she was out of sight and a few moments later the sound of the shower turning on could be heard. Without thinking twice, he followed her up the stairs and to the bathroom.

I don't need to tell you what happened next...


An hour after their shower escapade, Caitlin was sitting in her fluffy dressing gown at the dressing table looking into the mirror, particularly at her wet hair's reflection. She didn't even notice that someone had sat next to her and started brushing her hair. She didn't protest or procrastinate, just leaned into him for a hug. They sat, cuddled up together, for what seemed like forever. Neither of them wanting to let go because right now, everything was perfect because they were together and somehow that made all the hardship that they'd experienced throughout their year okay.

"Marry me,"

"I already did," Caitlin whispered.

"I know, I just wanted to say it because I love you more than anything in the universe and there's no way I could outrun how much you mean to me because you are the thing that keeps me going, you're the reason that I keep running,"

"I love you too, so much that I defied my father so we could be together. Actually, I have no idea where he is. He just disappeared after you were taken away. Or maybe we just lost touch, at least we're trying to repair your relationship with your parents," 

"Me too. It's nice to talk to them. I guess now I feel less like an accident and loved,"

"You aren't and never will be an accident, baby. Because we were meant for each other which means the universe has plans for us, together. Now off the depressing subjects. This is our honeymoon, we should be exploring the island and having lots and lots of sex. We've already started on the latter so we should go out,"


The newlyweds had travelled to a nearby waterfall which was a pretty breathtaking sight. They decided to go swimming and soon found themselves making out in the water. I guess they just couldn't keep their hands off of each other. 

"Hey, let's go through the waterfall, see what's inside," Caitlin whispered. Next thing she knew was being carried towards the waterfall. "I can walk for myself you know,"

"You're my wife and my wife gets treated like a princess,"

"You really like saying that don't you, babe?"

"Yes, I do. Because you're mine and I want the whole world to know,"

They reached the waterfall and walked right through it and found a small cave like area. They sat there and talked for hours just letting the time slip by. And there was no better way to spend their time. Much like when they were teenagers who would spend all their time with one another and just talk. Because they weren't just teens having a fling, all their feelings were real and the two of them being married, despite what happened, shows how real their feelings are and how truly, madly, deeply, irrevocably in love they were.

"Do you think we'll have children?" Caitlin asked. Now that they were married it seemed like a perfectly normal question to ask but it was strange to talk about. Obviously, not yet, they weren't in any position to start a family yet. That didn't mean they couldn't talk about it. Especially as Barry was going back to college.

"Yeah, we both want them and now that we're married we're ready for talking about it but we would have to wait a while but we'll have them someday,"

"We're doing well. We have our own house and I've got a steady job at STAR labs and once you graduate we'll be in a really good position. And we have the support of our friends and your parents. We will be great parents,"

"So maybe in a few years?"

"Yeah, we even already have the guest bedroom which we could turn into a baby room so we don't need to worry about that. Really, the only thing that we have to wait for is your studies and then we'll be in the perfect place to start our own little family. I can't wait,"

"What would you prefer? A girl or a boy?"

"I've always wanted a daughter. But we can have both. We can have everything together: a nice little house, steady jobs, beautiful and smart kids, amazing friends and one day we'll have grandchildren and..."

"You're thinking a little far ahead there, Cait,"

"I know but talking about our future together makes me so excited,"

The day turned into night and they spent hours talking about exactly what their perfect life will be like and ven named all their future kids and all these things actually seemed possible...

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