Perfect Life

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Five Years Later

It was Sunday morning and the twins woke up. The three-year-olds got up and ran to wake up their little sister. After waking up the two-year-old, the three of them ran to their parent's bedroom. With a groan, their mother woke up and rubbed the pregnant stomach. Baby number four. She promised herself that they wouldn't have anymore, in fear of what it would do to her body. Plus, they only had one more room.

"Mommy!" the oldest twin, Natalie exclaimed. Her twin brother, Henry, was standing next to her and her little sister, Nora, was standing behind them, clutching her teddy bear in one arm, the other twirling her light brown hair.

"I'll go make you some breakfast, just give me a second to get up," Caitlin groaned, then the three kids ran out the room to the kitchen. Caitlin sat up and looked to her left and watched as her husband stirred. "Hey honey," she whispered, she got up and put on her dressing gown over her pyjamas and walked into the kitchen and then returned ten minutes later.

"You should've woken me up, I would've gotten the kid's breakfast," Barry stated as she returned and got back in bed.

"Why, because I'm nine months pregnant," she replied almost sounding insulted.

"Yes, because you should be taking it easy," Barry agreed. Baby Bella could come at any time so she'd been housebound. Often, they would put the kids to bed and sit in bed together and watch a movie. 

After getting dressed into some really casual clothes, Caitlin watched some TV until Cisco came to pick up the kids for a day out with him, Felicity, Iris and Eddie. Normally, they would go with them but Caitlin couldn't really leave the house so Barry stayed too.

"This really is our perfect life, isn't it," Caitlin sighed, snuggling into him more comfortably. Rather than waiting for an answer, she pushed down on top of him and kissed him passionately. For a few minutes, this continued, until she felt a sharp pain.

"Owww! Oh God! My water just broke," she exclaimed.


After a few hours, Baby Bella finally arrived.

"She's so cute," Caitlin whispered, she was very tired and was too tired right now to hold her so she snuggled back into Barry while he held her.

"I know, you said that about the twins and Nora," he replied.

"Yeah but it's true, our children are the cutest kids in the whole world," she stated.

"Well, they are your kids, they are bound to be cute,"

"No, they are our kids. I think that you have a lot to do with that, my love," for a short while they kissed but were interrupted by Cisco and the kids. Well, the other three.

"Sorry to interrupt... Whatever you were doing but the kids want to meet Bella and I do too," Cisco said awkwardly. The three kids wandered cautiously over to the hospital bed and peered at their new sibling anxiously. It was quite adorable. Then the newborn baby snuffled in her sleep and moved her tiny little arm slightly and Natalie made a cute little "Awww" noise. They looked pretty mesmerised by the little baby. She was quite small, smaller than the others when they were first born but not unhealthy, she was incredibly cute. Every few seconds, Bella would move slightly and the three children's mouth's opened into an "O" shape.

After a few hours, the three children fell asleep on the bed.

"Hey honey," Caitlin whispered. "I love you," she continued.

"I love you too,"

Life goes on. Bad things always happen to good people and it's okay if you get lost because as long as you find your way back to that special person in your life because their love is everything. And that's what keeps you going. 

They had been through a lot of hardship in their lives but now they're living the perfect life together. Just like the always dreamt of...

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