Chapter six: saved? What?!

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Chapter six: saved? what?!

As I lay here, sinking; sinking deep into the depths of this river. All of my memories start to float through my mind. What was I before I met Rhys?

I was an average girl. Yeah, I was average. I hung out with friends, I had sleep overs, I got crushes on boys. I listened to music and read cheesy novels; I was a normal girl, until I met Rhys. Would anyone care if that average girl was gone? Could they move on?

As my thoughts carry me deeper into the river, deeper into blackness, I open my eyes ready to be nothing. And that's when it got ruined. Some idiot had to go and save me, why?! Of all the days, why should someone be here to save me?!

I turned my head to see who this person would be, and of course. Daniel. That boy just shows up everywhere doesn't he?! Ugh. "What the hell? I thought you were dead! What on the bloody friggin' earth were you doing Anna?!"

Oh great. I can tell this is going to end with me in hospital, getting saved, twice today. Awesome. I tried to find an answer to give to him, but what would I say? 'oh no biggy, just tried to commit suicide but you saved my life, and now it'll have to wait another day'. No way.

Before I could even answer him, I fell back from my sitting position. I guess it felt like I was dead, my body all limp and I couldn't move or see anything. The only thing that was worse was, I could hear him shouting my name and getting worried, calling an Ambulance to come pick me up.

I could feel his lips on mine, breathing life into me, but my lungs didn't need it. His hands pressing hard on my chest, trying to pump water out, that was already gone. But I couldn't stop him, and the worse part was, I could hear him sobbing out my name, and I couldn't tell him I was okay.

This? This is what an average day has become for me. Sadness, there's so much sadness that it suffocates me; it takes me down into it's black hole and I am nothing. I am just nothing, nothing but sad.

Death? Death is scary. My boyfriend died, and it's scary thinking that his body is under ground somewhere, just rotting. He's not there for real, his soul is gone. Where did it go? What happens to you after you die? It truly is scary, death.

But life? Life is so much more scary, it feeds you fear everyday. What if your crush rejects you when you finally get the courage to ask them? Or what if your boss fires you? Where will you be in 10 years time? Or, what if the only person who truly made you happy dies?

I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to be dead, but I also don't know if I could bare to live a single day without the person I love the most. It's already killing me from the inside out.


Authors note:

I wasn't in the zone to write anything happy, but i think it fits the scene quite well (: so far i'm happy with my progress.

Sorry i haven't updated in so long but i just either haven't had the time or i just had no clue what to write :/

Don't fret! i have a feeling i just might be updating again really soon. i hope this chapter was okay!

Thank you guys for reading!

-Rachiee <3

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